Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No Preconceived Ideas

Tonight I have no preconceived ideas
No concept how this poem is gonna go
Perhaps I’ll write of smoky pizzerias
Or paddle a canoe against the flow

A lonely cabin way up in the woods
Could be a metaphor for something grim
A hermit lurks there with his worldly goods
Just hoping that no one will notice him

But that’s too bleak, let’s have a pretty field
A mountain meadow, flowers all a-bloom
The birds above all soared and dove and wheeled
While underneath a bride danced with her groom 

Hey, look! While simply spouting junk to fit
A classic English Sonnet’s what I get

Monday, April 29, 2013

First Launch

Congratulations Virgin Galactic on your first powered flight of SpaceShipTwo!

Incidentally, this is also my first use of my new markers in a drawing, but somehow I think their achievement is a little more impressive.

Grayscale Test

Recently I got some new alcohol-based art markers. They're Spectrum Noir, not Copics (I got 12 Spectrum Noir markers at JoAnn's for $16 after their 50% off coupons, while Copics are going for about $60 for 12 markers.) Anyway, I made a little test picture to see how they worked on the cardstock I use, how they blend with each other and what they look like when scanned.

Click to enlarge

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Room Cleaning

I gave the girls a choice tonight
A choice on how to clean their room
Cause currently it looks a fright
The piles threaten to consume

Their Option One was be mature
Choose the things to pitch or keep
Sell or donate, just ensure
It doesn’t wind up in a heap

Option Two was far more grim
That’s where I clean up the mess
Get a shovel, toss it all
Sounds good to me, I must confess

Which will they choose? What will they do?
So far they’ve chosen Option One
But if they slack, it’s Option Two
And time for Dad to have some fun...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Matanzas Mule

Let's learn some history! Today's lesson is brought to you from the fine people at answers.com. Let's hear what they have to say...

Apr 27, 1898. In one of the first naval actions of the Spanish-American War, US naval forces bombarded the Cuban village of Matanzas. It was widely reported that the only casualty of the bombardment was one mule. The “Matanzas Mule” became instantly famous and remains a footnote in the history of the Spanish-American War.
"Hey guys, y'all hear something? Uh, guys..."

Friday, April 26, 2013

Perhaps a Pretzel?

Another day, another reason to celebrate! Today is National Pretzel Day! Here's a little poem for that most wonderful of breads.

I’m a proud descendent of a line that’s quite Bavarian
I’m really quite suburban though my forebears were agrarian
And in my culture there’s a snack that’s quite utilitarian
It’s salty and it’s bready and it’s even vegetarian

Of course I speak of pretzels, they’re a snack that’s nonsectarian
They’re loved by creatures great and small, from mammoth to planarian
And every kind of person, loud buffoon or soft librarian
Republican or Democrat or even Libertarian

Come one, come all, come short, come tall and sound a call that’s clarion 
Come celebrate the pretzel, bourgeoisie or proletarian
Perhaps you’ll write an opera that’s all epic and wagnerian
(But if you use my mustard up I’ll likely go barbarian!)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

World Penguin Day!

Today, April 25, is World Penguin Day! Celebrate by hugging your favorite penguin!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Morning Zombies

The other morning, dark as night
I dragged my body from the bed
And cringing from the faintest light
I told myself I wasn’t dead
And so, with thoughts as thick as clay
I shuffled forth to start the day

But soon I noticed something grim
I realized I was not alone
For from the rooms and hallways dim
A muffled thump, a quiet moan
And then I knew, just from that sound
That morning zombies were around

And then I saw one standing there
In the bathroom in the hall
With bloodshot eyes and wild hair
And faintly I can just recall
How she appeared when flushed with life
Alas! This creature was my wife!

But then another sound I hear
From the bedroom next to me
Too tired to feel any fear
I peer into the gloom and see
Two mummies wrapped in shrouds, it seems
I flip the light on, hear the screams

“Turn that off!” one daughter calls
“Give me just five minutes more!”
Out of her bed the other falls
Still wrapped in sheets, she hits the floor
She moans and staggers round the room
A pharaoh in her cluttered tomb

But I don’t harbor any fears
It’s hard when eyes are filled with goo
And through the cotton ‘tween my ears
A single thought comes pushing through
Of all the monsters that there are
I am the biggest one by far

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Warthog Gets a Drink

This week at work, we're taking the students to see the A-10s in the hangar, so I guess I've got Warthogs on the mind...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day

Oh, today is the day that we celebrate Earth
As we plant lots of flowers and trees
And we sing of the rain forests, deserts and hills
Not to mention the glaciers and seas

So I think that it’s odd on this day of all days
That a group from the Netherlands said
That they’re looking for people to leave Mother Earth
And to move to the planet that’s red

Yes, they’re moving to Mars, or at least that’s the plan
And once they arrive there they’ll stay
But I think that it’s rude to be turning your backs
And rejecting the Earth on her Day

So just go on and take off and fly out to space
And abandon your planet of birth
Just remember you leave behind people like me
Who will gladly inherit the Earth

(For more information or to apply with the Mars One program, click here. I'd sign up myself, but I have   two young daughters who need their daddy to stay here on Earth for a while.)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Old Barn

Sometimes I feel a little bit country, sometimes a little bit rock 'n roll. Tonight was not a rock 'n roll night...

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Tonight my darling wife and I
Watched Project Runway on TV
And I’ll admit I kind of like
To see their creativity

And I can sure respect the fact
That they can make so many clothes
Though time runs out and pressure builds
They all have something for their shows

But then the judges start to talk
And that’s where I become confused
Cause when I see a thing I like
Then that designer gets abused

But when there’s something terrible
Overblown or just too weak
The judges just can’t get enough
They say it’s “haute” or “Oh so chic!”

Now maybe I don’t know those words
But there’s sure one thing this guy gets
You can keep your fancy pants
I’ll stick with T-shirts, socks and sweats

Friday, April 19, 2013


I figure the only way to get better at something is to make lots of mistakes along the way (and hopefully learn something from them). Today I'm practicing faces, and learning that I'm very good at making mistakes...

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Little Known Fact: The fearsome and aggressive nature of the T-Rex stems from the fact that the vast majority of them were frustrated blacksmiths.

“Aarrgghh! Dropped it again! Why can’t I have opposable thumbs?!”

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


According to a recent scientific paper (read it here, or an article about it here), the earliest and simplest life might have formed about 10 billion years ago. Since the Earth is only about 4.6 billion years old, that means we all might be descended from aliens! To celebrate this finding, here's a poem in civilization's most perfect poetical form, the limerick!

Two guys were discussing the worth
Of the concept that life predates Earth
And if Moore’s Law applied
To our nucleotides
It’s been 10 billion years since first birth

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lizard Power

Little Known Fact: In 1898 a lizard was elected Vice Chancellor of Luxembourg. He served honorably for 3 1/2 years.

I was as surprised as anyone by the election results!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tax Day

Today is the day all our taxes got done
And my brain’s full of forms like old Schedule 1
And the W-2s and the ten-ninety-nines
And all of the numbers and all of the lines
But at least they’re all done and we get money back
So I’ll call it a day and I’ll go hit the sack

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Appraisal

At ten o’clock this morning
We got a little call
It was our home appraiser
He was really on the ball

We had only signed the papers
About a day ago
And now he’s calling us to say
Today’s the day to go

He asks me for a time that’s good
So I say “How ‘bout four?”
He agrees, but then I see
There’s clutter on the floor

“What have I done!” I start to think
“This place is such a mess!
We’ve only got six hours
And it’s nowhere near its best!”

I start by brushing out the johns
And scrubbing out the tub
But then my tummy grumbles so
I go down for some grub

I have a nice, relaxing lunch
Salami and swiss cheese
My wife brings home Penn Station fries
To which I say, “Yes, please!”

But then I look up at the clock
How’s it already one?
We’ve used up half our time and yet
We’ve barely just begun

I head back up to take care of
The pile on my floor
There’s books and towels, a magazine
A box, some socks and something green
(It’s just a pen, don’t be obscene)
I sort and stack and make it clean
Until there’s nothing more

And now it’s two, what should I do?
I think I’ll go downstairs
The tax forms in the living room
The kitchen floor could use a broom
The games need stacking, movies racking,
Now my daughters are attacking
Maybe they could use a thwacking
‘Cause my patience sure is lacking
But then my wife declares:

“Dear me, it’s three! How can this be?
You haven’t vacuumed yet!”
And so while tangled in the cords
I get the cracks near the baseboards
It seems that everybody cares
The girls are putting shoes in pairs 
I sweep the stairs, under the chairs
I’m getting lots of girly hairs
I’m working up a sweat.

It’s four.
A soft knock at the door.
He visits every single room
And peers into the attic’s gloom
It feels like he has just begun
When he informs us that he’s done
He puts his coat and shoes back on
He says goodbye, and then he’s gone

My family and I feel beat
I think we’ll all go out to eat

Friday, April 12, 2013

Yuri's Night

Happy Yuri's Night, everybody! On this night we celebrate the first man in space (Yuri Gagarin in a Vostok capsule, April 12, 1961), the first Space Shuttle flight (Columbia, April 12, 1981), and earlier today Virgin Galactic did an in-flight, cold-flow drop test of SpaceShip Two. Hopefully this will lead up to their first powered flight in a few weeks!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Risky Refi

Tonight we’re having so much fun
Although our taxes aren’t quite done
We figured what we needed was a little more to stress us out

And so my wife got on the phone
To refinance our mortgage loan
On speakerphone we chatted with a guy who told us all about

The essence of this newer plan
(He seemed a courteous young man)
So here is just a brief selection of the details we discussed

A lower rate, the closing fees
But no prepayment penalties
A new appraisal from someone who he assures us we can trust

So now we’ve printed quite a stack
We’ll sign ‘em, date ‘em, send ‘em back
And hopefully we’ll save a little money when it’s said and done

Cause if it all has been for naught
My darling wife might get distraught
And in that case I’ve found the only option left to me is “RUN!!”

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


One of the nice things about this blog project is that even on nights when I'm tired and completely unmotivated, it still forces me to create something. Tonight, that something took the form of a very quick, very rough sketch of a grizzled old prospector.

"At least I'm better looking than that Darwin feller!"

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Artist's Block

Tonight I had a bad case of artist's block - no idea what to draw - the time was getting later and later - absolutely zero inspiration. So I started with a big block. I added a tree growing out of the side, and then I thought some kind of waterfall feature might be nice. After that I just kept putting more stuff in to fill the empty spaces, and ended up with this...

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Monstrous Deed

Today's post is brought to you by a true story you can read about here, and by the number 2.

What could this world be coming to
When a kid who’s only two
Gets hurt by one he thought he knew?
Oh Cookie Monster, how could you!

Along Times Square, a family
Saw you and were filled with glee
Their little kid asked happily
For a photo, you and he

But then when they refused to pay
Two dollars you just lost your way
The awful words they heard you say
Would make a sailor turn away

And then you really came unbound
You pushed the kid down to the ground
The cops all came and gathered round
Then off to jail (or to the pound?)

So Cookie Monster, in review
You should be kind and not argue
I’d think of all the monsters, you
Would be the one to be true blue

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Shadow Warrior of the Sea

After considering yesterday's post, I realized it was my duty to warn my dear reader(s?) of the dangers associated with these aquatic assassins...

Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!
Who slides and slinks more silent than the night
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

“But manatees,” you might protest to me
“Are seen near shore, not in the ocean’s might.”
Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!

And with that truth I’ll readily agree
Of him, no one shall ever catch a sight
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

But if you do, no matter how briefly
Spy his katana ‘neath the pale moonlight
Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!

For he will hunt you through eternity
His sai and stars will hunger for the fight
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

And in his eyes the last thing you will see
Is pity as you face your final plight
Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Little Known Fact: Despite their often peaceful reputation, in certain circles manatees are more accurately known as the “ninjas of the seas”.

There are nine in this picture.

Friday, April 5, 2013

First Contact

As an official Ambassador for the Suborbital Applications Researchers Group (SARG) of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation*, I feel it is my duty to commemorate this most historic of days with all the pomp and dignity it deserves. So here's a little limerick...

On this date in just 50 more years
There will come jubilation and cheers
Cause according to Trek
(If you trust all that dreck)
That’s the day the first Vulcan appears

*It's a real thing! Contact me if you'd like more info or if you want me to give a talk at your organization about the awesomeness of suborbital spaceflight, or check out their website here:  http://www.boulder.swri.edu/NSRC2012/SARG/Ambassadors.html

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Post 100!

Can you believe it? This is my 100th posting to this site. A few friends stopped by to help me celebrate.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Q: What makes this scientist so mad? (Mad as in crazy, not as in angry. He's actually fairly happy, although apparently a little surprised.)

A: He's not wearing his eye protection!! (Proper eye safety is nothing to be taken lightly, kids!)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sea Pigs

Little Known Fact: Commonly called “sea pigs”, members of the genus Scotoplanes are actually neither pigs nor do they live in the sea. They are actually featherless birds typically found watching real pigs from a safe distance.

“Uh, sure, I’m a bird! Um, tweet?”

Monday, April 1, 2013

An Important Announcement

Thank you all for stopping by
I’ve got an issue I must mention
A problem I’ve been pondering
Has caused me stress and doubt and tension

I’ve put a lot of work into
The poems and pictures I’ve been posting
But you, my readers, let me down
I feel on your end you’ve been coasting

Of course the possibility
Exists that no one’s out there reading
Cause if there’s anybody there
They’d post the comments I’ve been needing

And so, because my efforts seem
To be so unappreciated
This is my final posting here
Cause no one likes to be so hated

Yes, say goodbye to pangolins
And Mr. Grumpy Pants is leaving
The camels, cows and penguins too
Are gone - too bad there’s no one grieving

And though I mightily regret
The pain this causes and the sorrow
Just one more thing, please check the date
And meet me here again tomorrow