Monday, April 8, 2013

A Monstrous Deed

Today's post is brought to you by a true story you can read about here, and by the number 2.

What could this world be coming to
When a kid who’s only two
Gets hurt by one he thought he knew?
Oh Cookie Monster, how could you!

Along Times Square, a family
Saw you and were filled with glee
Their little kid asked happily
For a photo, you and he

But then when they refused to pay
Two dollars you just lost your way
The awful words they heard you say
Would make a sailor turn away

And then you really came unbound
You pushed the kid down to the ground
The cops all came and gathered round
Then off to jail (or to the pound?)

So Cookie Monster, in review
You should be kind and not argue
I’d think of all the monsters, you
Would be the one to be true blue

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