Thursday, July 31, 2014

Uni-Corn, Take 2

On Tuesday I posted my submission to the Unusual Unicorn drawing challenge (my picture was of a eunuch horn, if you haven't already figured it out). I then waited for it to appear in their gallery, but it didn't show up, even as other pictures did.

This evening I got a very nice, very apologetic note from the moderator of the group saying that although she liked it, their group thought the joke was inappropriate for their PG audience! Specifically, if kids didn't understand it, it might lead to awkward conversations with their parents. (She also offered to send me a free T-shirt to make up for not posting my picture.)

Of course you realize what this means? I've finally arrived as a real artist!! I've been accused of corrupting the Youth of America and my work has been banned! I'm so excited!!! Plus, I'm getting a T-shirt out of the deal!

However, that didn't get me into the challenge, so tonight I dusted off my old first idea, sketched it up quickly and submitted this one instead:


  1. Congratulations on making it as an artist!

  2. Would you like me to set a copy of the pic alight to make it super-official?

    1. No, let's wait until I get my first book published. If I'm the target of a good ol' fashioned book burning, I'll know I'm a legitimate artiste!!
