Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day

Oh, today is the day that we celebrate Earth
As we plant lots of flowers and trees
And we sing of the rain forests, deserts and hills
Not to mention the glaciers and seas

So I think that it’s odd on this day of all days
That a group from the Netherlands said
That they’re looking for people to leave Mother Earth
And to move to the planet that’s red

Yes, they’re moving to Mars, or at least that’s the plan
And once they arrive there they’ll stay
But I think that it’s rude to be turning your backs
And rejecting the Earth on her Day

So just go on and take off and fly out to space
And abandon your planet of birth
Just remember you leave behind people like me
Who will gladly inherit the Earth

(For more information or to apply with the Mars One program, click here. I'd sign up myself, but I have   two young daughters who need their daddy to stay here on Earth for a while.)

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