Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Risky Refi

Tonight we’re having so much fun
Although our taxes aren’t quite done
We figured what we needed was a little more to stress us out

And so my wife got on the phone
To refinance our mortgage loan
On speakerphone we chatted with a guy who told us all about

The essence of this newer plan
(He seemed a courteous young man)
So here is just a brief selection of the details we discussed

A lower rate, the closing fees
But no prepayment penalties
A new appraisal from someone who he assures us we can trust

So now we’ve printed quite a stack
We’ll sign ‘em, date ‘em, send ‘em back
And hopefully we’ll save a little money when it’s said and done

Cause if it all has been for naught
My darling wife might get distraught
And in that case I’ve found the only option left to me is “RUN!!”

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