Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Morning Zombies

The other morning, dark as night
I dragged my body from the bed
And cringing from the faintest light
I told myself I wasn’t dead
And so, with thoughts as thick as clay
I shuffled forth to start the day

But soon I noticed something grim
I realized I was not alone
For from the rooms and hallways dim
A muffled thump, a quiet moan
And then I knew, just from that sound
That morning zombies were around

And then I saw one standing there
In the bathroom in the hall
With bloodshot eyes and wild hair
And faintly I can just recall
How she appeared when flushed with life
Alas! This creature was my wife!

But then another sound I hear
From the bedroom next to me
Too tired to feel any fear
I peer into the gloom and see
Two mummies wrapped in shrouds, it seems
I flip the light on, hear the screams

“Turn that off!” one daughter calls
“Give me just five minutes more!”
Out of her bed the other falls
Still wrapped in sheets, she hits the floor
She moans and staggers round the room
A pharaoh in her cluttered tomb

But I don’t harbor any fears
It’s hard when eyes are filled with goo
And through the cotton ‘tween my ears
A single thought comes pushing through
Of all the monsters that there are
I am the biggest one by far

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