Sunday, April 7, 2013

Shadow Warrior of the Sea

After considering yesterday's post, I realized it was my duty to warn my dear reader(s?) of the dangers associated with these aquatic assassins...

Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!
Who slides and slinks more silent than the night
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

“But manatees,” you might protest to me
“Are seen near shore, not in the ocean’s might.”
Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!

And with that truth I’ll readily agree
Of him, no one shall ever catch a sight
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

But if you do, no matter how briefly
Spy his katana ‘neath the pale moonlight
Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!

For he will hunt you through eternity
His sai and stars will hunger for the fight
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

And in his eyes the last thing you will see
Is pity as you face your final plight
Beware the shadow warrior of the sea!
The nearly mystic ninja manatee

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