Monday, September 29, 2014

Garden Window

Can you guess what was installed today? I'm so excited I wrote a little song about it (which, now that I think about it, might bear a slight resemblance to another song about a little yellow bath time friend.... What a coincidence!)

Oh, Garden Window, you’re the one,
You make dishes lots of fun,
Garden Window, I’m kind of enthralled with you;
(Bo bo-bo de oh!)

Garden Window, joy of joys,
When you open, there’s no noise!
Garden Window, you can close again when I’m through!

Oh, Every day when I
Make my way to the kitchen
I’ll see an open vista that’s
Wide and green and bewitchin’
(Come see what you’re missin’!)

Garden Window, you’re so fine
And I’m happy that you’re mine
Garden Window, I’m kind of enthralled with you!

(repeat chorus)

Garden Window, you’re so fine
And I’m happy that you’re mine
Garden Window, I’m kind of enthralled with - 
Now I wish the whole house had been walled with - 
Garden Window, I’m surely enthra-a-a-a-lled with you!

And here are the pictures!

If you look carefully, you can see where I stopped mowing last night because it got dark!

Click to embiggen

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