Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Collect Rocks Day

Happy National Collect Rocks Day!! (All the windows are in and looking great, except for the garden window and the new shutters, which we're still waiting on. However, when I saw that today celebrates rock collecting, I just had to write something about that!)

As a guy who once studied the Earth and its rocks
I urge you to gather some up in a box

Then take them all home and explore what you’ve found
Keep the ones that you like, throw the rest on the ground

As simple as that you’ll have found you’ve begun
A nice rock collection, now isn’t that fun?

But then, once you’ve got them, the fun doesn’t end
You could try to decide what you’ve got there, my friend!

Perhaps it’s an igneous sample you’ve got
Like basalt, which is cool now but started off hot

Or perhaps metamorphic is more of your thing
A nice piece of gneiss could make anyone sing

Sedimentary rocks could be there in your hand
Some solidified chunks of a beach full of sand

And fossils are cool, even though they’re long dead
From a small trilobite to a dinosaur head

If you’re lucky you might find a meteorite
That blazed through the sky in the middle of night

But really, you don’t need to know all that stuff

As long as you like how it looks, that’s enough!

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