Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Drawtober Eve

So some of you might have been noticing
A trend that’s been going on here
I’m heavily featuring poetry
With not many drawings, I fear

But there is a reason I’m doing this
Tomorrow’s a fabulous day
It’s my deviantArt anniversary
And Drawtober is starting! Hooray!

It’s a month full of pictures of everything
Every day there’s a new drawing prompt
And I’m going to try to do all of them
Wish me luck so I don’t end up swamped!

And some might be close to a masterpiece
While others are terribly lame
Either way, it’s enforced creativity
And that’s the whole point of the game

So prepare for a month full of randomness
I can’t tell you what you might see here
But I know that the prompts can be interesting
I’ve been waiting for this day all year!

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