Thursday, September 4, 2014

football time

me get me some pizza and beer
me sometimes be yelling big cheer
for this me been waiting all year
me glad finally football time here

me glad that me wife will allow
me to watch football right now
me sure think that football is wow
but wife she say football lowbrow

me not really sure what she mean
maybe me wife has not seen
the game on me big plasma screen
it making the football look keen

me wife sit on couch to me right
she say boy those pants sure are tight
she say that a real pretty sight
me think football done for the night

(As I sit here watching the Seahawks and the Packers face off in the first NFL game of the year, I think it's a little disturbing how easily this "poem" (?) flowed onto the screen, even though I don't actually have a plasma screen and my wife was in the other room. As I wrote it, I was trying to channel my inner Neanderthal, but now that I re-read it, it almost sounds like my inner Cookie Monster instead!)

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