Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chicago Trip - The Aftermath

We’re back from Chicago
And more or less whole
Though I am a bit battered and bruised
My lumbar is sore
And my right shin is, too
All that driving left me quite abused

Not to mention my nerves
They’re as frayed as old thread
After driving through rush hour’s peak
With the bicycles constantly
Darting around
I think that I’ll sleep for a week

Plus walking all day
Left my feet feeling sore
I’ve been hobbling ‘round like a fool
And this morning while swimming
Both hands and one wrist
Were scraped red and raw by the pool

But luckily one part
Is not yet worn out
It’s a thing I work hard to maintain
It’s simply a skill
My ability to
Continually gripe and complain!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chicago Trip

Going on a trip
Going to the Windy City
I hope it doesn’t rain
And the weather stays real pretty

We’ll see a lot of stuff
Like the big ol’ Field Museum
We’ll see dinosaurs and mummies
Yeah, I’d rather see than be ‘em

Perhaps go to IKEA
Perhaps stay overnight
I hope the things we see and do
Will fill us with delight

But one thing is for certain
It will be a busy day
So I’ll post for Tuesday now
And I hope that that’s okay

Monday, July 29, 2013


This post falls squarely under the category of "be careful what you wish for". Under yesterday's post, there was a comment about wanting to see a short-haired flea (Hi, Mom!). So here, through the magic of digital painting with layers, I present - a flea!

"Hey, how's it goin'?"

Now, aside from some creepy body hairs, this flea is bald. So behold - the short-haired flea!

"Not bad, but I personally prefer something longer."

Hmmm... longer? Okay - how about this...

"Better - it's got more volume, but it's a little too girly."

Too girly, huh? Well, maybe something a little more hardcore?

"Okay - now we're getting somewhere! I like the musician vibe, but purple? Really?

Long-haired musicians? I can give you the long-haired musician look!

"NO! No, no, no, no, no! C'mon man, just give me something awesome!"

Okay, okay. I've got one more thing to try...

"Awwww, yeeeaaahhh!  That's it, right there!"

Just talkin' about fleas.
(And we can dig it!)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Haircut

Last night when nobody could see
My hair was cut close as a flea
When I looked in the mirror
It seemed too short, I fear
But since then it’s been growing on me

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Night Sky

More playing around with digital painting. This (probably) isn't the final picture, but it might make a nice background for something.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Polar Bear

Tonight while we were out shopping, my youngest daughter found a polar bear toy and said I should draw a polar bear. Who am I to argue with that kind of logic?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Strange Little House

Past the east edge of town where the grass starts to curl
Find a winding dirt road that’s designed to confound
There you’ll find a strange house and a strange little girl
If she’s in the right mood she might show you around

She might start in the garden with all the raised beds
Filled with juniper bushes so she can make gin 
Or her park full of art with its hundreds of heads
They’re all sculpted in silver and copper and tin

She’ll point out the parapets high overhead
With a couple of cupolas crowning the crest
There are dozens of dormers with lintels of lead
Where the pigeons all preen and the nightingales nest

And then if you’re lucky you’ll stop by the pond
It surrounds a small island with one mighty oak
But don’t get too close, cause the little girl’s fond
Of pushing folks in - her idea of a joke

But once you have dried she might take you inside
Through the cavernous kitchens with odors galore
Of the foods she has baked and charbroiled and fried
You’ll be fed some of each, then she’ll offer you more

And then when you’re done you’ll move to the next room
It’s the library piled with books to the sky
There are lamps all around to dispel any gloom
If you read like I do then you might start to cry

And she’ll show you the rest, it will all be a blur
Of fountains and music and even a hen
Then she’ll drive you back home with herself as chauffeur
And she’ll say, “Thanks for visiting. Don’t come again.” 

(This poem was inspired by a girl at camp this week who loves saying the word "cupola" over and over. The phrase "a couple of cupolas" became stuck in my head and I built the rest of the poem around it.)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dog Days

In honor of National Tell an Old Joke Day:

What did the dog say when he sat on the sandpaper?


Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Nothing too exciting tonight. Just practicing getting expressive poses out of minimal lines...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Looking Home

Have you ever wondered
What an alien might see
As he cruised the Solar System
And looked back at you and me?

Well now we’ve got a picture
Under Saturn’s dusty rings
And if a photo made a sound
This is the kind that sings

The rings are so majestic
As they’re lit up from behind
Cause the Sun’s blocked by the planet
But what really blows my mind

Is the little speck beneath them
Like a hole poked by a pin
That’s the Earth and moon and everyone
Who’s ever, ever been

And all our books and history
Emotions so distraught
All life and love and everything
Is wrapped up in that spot

But if you’re feeling tiny
In a cosmos that’s so vast
Remember we’ve a special skill
Unique and unsurpassed

We’re the only beings capable
Of building probes to roam
The icy depths of outer space
Then turn and look back home

Taken by the Cassini spacecraft, July 19, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

National Ice Cream Day!

It's the third Sunday in July and you know what that means! It's National Ice Cream Day! Since real ice cream can do unpleasant things to me, here's a drawing instead. I did it completely digitally, using my new toy tool from work, a Microsoft SurfacePro. This allows me to draw directly on the screen with a special pen, just like a real piece of paper. Anyway, that's not what you came for. On to the ice cream!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy Birthday!

It's my wife's birthday tomorrow! I'm making her a card, but I don't want to be rushed on the drawing on the front - so here's the inside poem. Maybe I'll post the front of the card tomorrow...

Happy Birthday to my wife
My one and only love
I’m so glad you’re in my life
I thank the Lord above

And with our girls to make a fam
You’ve made my life complete
I’m glad you love me as I am
I think you’re pretty sweet

This card’s as cheesy as fondue
That’s what you get from me
But if you tell me, “I love you"
I’ll say, “J’taime aussi!”

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pool Party

Just a quick little limerick tonight - after a full (and hot) day of launching rockets and teaching robot programming at camp, the family headed to a public pool.  The following is semi-true...

When the lifeguard’s shrill whistle was blown
All the swimmers got out with a groan
Floating there in the pool
Was a little kid’s stool
I was done, and I wasn’t alone!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Face Squares Study

Tonight I tried a new technique for drawing faces. I started with the nose and scaled everything else out from there. I also found that the dimensions could be arranged in boxes. The first box went from the bottom of the nose, around the sides and up to the inside corners of the eyes. Two more boxes went from the bottom of the eyes to the top of the eyebrows. Another box went from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the lower lip, with yet another box from the bottom of the lip to the bottom of the chin. The corners of the mouth lined up with the middles of the eyes.

Here's the sketch with the boxes:

And here it is after shading:

Perfect? Of course not! But that's why I'm practicing.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Don't Worry - I Didn't

On I see
Two holidays are listed there
And though at first they seem distinct
Combined they make the perfect pair

The first says that today's the day
For pandemonium to reign
Go wild, crazy, run, be free!
Let loose and just ignore your brain

The second of these holidays
Is not a day to be a prude
It's just a day to celebrate
Stripping down and going nude

So if I celebrate both days
I'm sure that you will quickly find
As I walk naked down the street
The chaos won't be far behind

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Something Different

I’ve got the itch to attempt something different
Something spectacular, something brand new
Maybe feed porcupines pretzels and pudding
Maybe sculpt busts out of toothpaste and glue

Maybe I’ll author a best-selling novel
Perhaps I’ll start skipping and just never stop
I’ll buy all the Legos all over the planet
And build a huge mountain and climb to the top

I’ll go parasailing while peeling persimmons
I’ll learn to play oboe while under the sea
Create a new dance that’s initially goofy
But soon the whole world will be copying me

Whatever it is, only I can impede me
Retry when I fail and get up when I fall
I need to do something amazingly different
Cause what I’ve been doing’s not working at all

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fun with Mr. Stegosaurus

Hey, Mr. Stegosaurus, did you know that today is "National Give Some Grapes to a Stegosaurus Day"?

"Is it? Oh boy! Gimme!"

Naw, I'm just messin' with you. There's no such day.

"No grapes?! Awww, I LOVE grapes!"

Relax! I brought you some grapes anyway!

"Thanks. Those were some good grapes."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Post 200!

Yes, I've reached another milestone. Today is post number 200 on this blog! I wasn't sure if I actually could think up and post something new every day for a year, but so far I think this has been a wonderful exercise in forcing me to produce, to be creative and to try new techniques. I'm as excited as anyone to see what the next 100 posts will contain!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Clerihew Day

Today we celebrate the birthday of Edmund Clerihew Bentley, inventor of the short, irregular, biographical poem that bears his name. Since I had never heard of him before, I thought I'd try my hand at some.

Edmund Clerihew Bentley
In public behaved rather gently
But what he really liked to do
Was write a bio poem or two

Now lets mention Isaac Newton
Ate most things, including gluten
But when an apple hit his head
He thought up gravity instead

Edgar Allen Poe
Wrote a lot of things, you know
But he passed away in time
Nevermore to write a rhyme

Little John and Robin Hood
In the forest called Sherwood
Stole the money from the rich
Gave to those without a stitch

Neil Armstrong walked upon the moon
That’s what makes most people swoon
But the thing I think is swell
He flew the X-15 as well

Ole Kirk Christiansen
No less than a god among men
So why this praise all aglow?
The dude invented Lego!

Today's also the birthday of Nikola Tesla
His work with electrons left many impressed-a
His genius would stretch from the poles to equator
As mad scientists go, there were none who were greater

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Proud Daddy Day

Today both my daughters have made me so proud
They faced down their fears and they tried something new
And while what they did won’t leave everyone wowed
It’s enough that they tried, and their mom and I knew

My oldest had lessons for swimming today
Although she was scared she went up on the board
And without any floaties or any delay
For the first time she jumped, leaving mom and me floored

Then this evening my youngest faced worries galore
There’s a youth choir here, and she thought she’d try out
She had never tried singing in public before
But she made it! (Though mom and I had little doubt)

So here’s to my girls, cause they faced down their fears
They jumped in feet first and they sang it out loud
And they’re learning new skills that could help them for years
We’re so blessed by our girls, they make mom and me proud!

Monday, July 8, 2013

An Unfortunate Accident

Little Known Fact: On July 8, 2011, a friendly alien stopped by to watch the final launch of the Space Shuttle. Steering a little too close to the exhaust plume caused him to enter a time-space warp, sending him to Roswell, New Mexico, where he subsequently crashed. Having no saucer insurance, he enlisted the aid of the Air Force to cover up his embarrassing accident after making front page news on July 8, 1947.

"Mom's not gonna like this!"

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sammy Spider Returns

So after posting last night's poem, I went back to Painter and started playing around with the idea of Sammy Spider falling out of his web. Today I finished it up, and here it is. Is it good? No. Is it meant to be? No! But am I learning more about the abilities of the program, especially regarding layers, transparency and the airbrush tool? I sure am! Anyway, here's the lemonade that came from last night's lemons:

"Oh, snap!"

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sammy Spider

Little Sammy Spider spun a silky spiderweb
Sammy’s strand went “Snap!” and he landed on his head
He thought he'd done it right, but he messed it up instead
So now he's quite frustrated and he’s heading off to bed

(So why did I write this poem? Well, for a good chunk of time tonight I was working on a digital painting of a robot holding a daisy. I was playing with the shading, the layers, etc. and it wasn't turning out quite like I wanted but I figured I'd keep working - until I realized that I'd just put a major part of the picture in the sketch layer that I was planning on deleting at the end! So that was an important lesson learned [lock the layers you don't want to draw in!] at the cost of most of the evening. So I wrote a quick poem about frustration, I'll get a good night's sleep and I'll try again tomorrow.)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Have A Nice Day

Yesterday was the day I've been awaiting for nearly 20 years. No, not the 4th (although we did go see the fireworks and had a great time). Yesterday, reality caught up to my dreams and the job I've been waiting for was finally posted online. Why didn't I just apply earlier, you may ask? It hadn't been invented yet! Anyway, I submitted my resume and now I just have to wait. If things turn out the way I hope, I will have a very nice day indeed!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!

It's the 4th of July
What a wonderful day
I don't have to work
I can stay home and play

We'll go out tonight
Watch the fireworks bloom
See them sparkle and flash
And we'll hear them go "boom!"

So happy birthday to you
Good ol' U S of A
Let's hope freedom and peace
Nevermore fade away

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Let's Have A Party!

Let’s have a party, a party today!
Everybody will dance and the music will play
And we’ll have so much fun that we’ll all shout “Hooray!”
When we have a party, a party today!

My oldest decided that she’d be the host
So she sent invitations by family post
She’s been planning all week, and I don’t mean to boast
But she did a great job when she acted as host

Let’s start with the food cause it all made the grade
We had ice cream and brownies - of course they’re home-made
And to drink was delightfully tart lemonade
Yes the food was delicious, it all made the grade

And as for the fun, well, I’ve never had more
We played games - my wife won (though I’m not keeping score)
And we danced, even me, though I’m now kind of sore
It was all in good fun and I’ve never had more

So our family party was quite the success
And there might be some bias but I must confess
That my daughter’s idea didn’t fail to impress

And our family party was quite the success!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sky Canoe - final

Okay, I promise this is the last time I post this same picture. I just wasn't happy with the bottom part of it. It was supposed to look like the clouds faded down into a deep white mist, but it just looked unfinished to me. So I gave him something interesting to fly over.

Click to Sky-size!

Monday, July 1, 2013

A Busy, Busy Day

Today I need to clean the gutters
Mow the lawn and fix the shutters
Paint the porch and grease the gate
Go on the roof and fix the slate
The driveway needs to be repaved
Our bush is bushy, not behaved
And so I’ll trim it nice and neat
Then sweep the clippings to the street
Oh no! My mailbox is defaced
It’s little flag must be replaced
Then to the garden, weed and hoe
Plant and prune and seed and sow
So out I go, I must get started
All these jobs have me downhearted
But wait, it’s raining! Have a look!

I’ll stay inside and read a book!