Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Proud Daddy Day

Today both my daughters have made me so proud
They faced down their fears and they tried something new
And while what they did won’t leave everyone wowed
It’s enough that they tried, and their mom and I knew

My oldest had lessons for swimming today
Although she was scared she went up on the board
And without any floaties or any delay
For the first time she jumped, leaving mom and me floored

Then this evening my youngest faced worries galore
There’s a youth choir here, and she thought she’d try out
She had never tried singing in public before
But she made it! (Though mom and I had little doubt)

So here’s to my girls, cause they faced down their fears
They jumped in feet first and they sang it out loud
And they’re learning new skills that could help them for years
We’re so blessed by our girls, they make mom and me proud!

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