Monday, July 22, 2013

Looking Home

Have you ever wondered
What an alien might see
As he cruised the Solar System
And looked back at you and me?

Well now we’ve got a picture
Under Saturn’s dusty rings
And if a photo made a sound
This is the kind that sings

The rings are so majestic
As they’re lit up from behind
Cause the Sun’s blocked by the planet
But what really blows my mind

Is the little speck beneath them
Like a hole poked by a pin
That’s the Earth and moon and everyone
Who’s ever, ever been

And all our books and history
Emotions so distraught
All life and love and everything
Is wrapped up in that spot

But if you’re feeling tiny
In a cosmos that’s so vast
Remember we’ve a special skill
Unique and unsurpassed

We’re the only beings capable
Of building probes to roam
The icy depths of outer space
Then turn and look back home

Taken by the Cassini spacecraft, July 19, 2013

1 comment:

  1. This is really good and it says a lot of what I felt when I saw that picture on the news. Only you said it more beautifully.
