Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chicago Trip - The Aftermath

We’re back from Chicago
And more or less whole
Though I am a bit battered and bruised
My lumbar is sore
And my right shin is, too
All that driving left me quite abused

Not to mention my nerves
They’re as frayed as old thread
After driving through rush hour’s peak
With the bicycles constantly
Darting around
I think that I’ll sleep for a week

Plus walking all day
Left my feet feeling sore
I’ve been hobbling ‘round like a fool
And this morning while swimming
Both hands and one wrist
Were scraped red and raw by the pool

But luckily one part
Is not yet worn out
It’s a thing I work hard to maintain
It’s simply a skill
My ability to
Continually gripe and complain!

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