Friday, May 3, 2013

The Swarm

The screams! The screams are never ceasing
The screams! Their volume is increasing
Although they should be dying down
As evening gloom engulfs the town
I feel my grip on sanity releasing

The smells! The smells are overbearing
The smells! They’ve almost got me swearing
How can they be so sickly sweet
And yet smell like fermented feet?
The pungent cloud has got a headache flaring

The swarm! The swarm is all around me
The swarm! I hide, but still they’ve found me
They never stopped, they never rested
My whole house has been infested
It’s like the waters reached right up and drowned me

So friends, avoid the madness as it swirls
Don’t host a sleepover for little girls!

(Why, yes, my youngest daughter's birthday is tomorrow! How could you have guessed?)

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