Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mowing, concluded

You might be wondering, "Why all these poems in a row? Where are the pictures?" (Or you might be wondering "Now where did I put that remote?" or perhaps "What's that crawling on my foot?") Anyway, blame it on the mowing - my hands are currently curled into blistered perma-claws, and I can barely hold a pen, let alone draw anything. So anyway, here's a poem about my great day...

I got up while the sky was dark
Dressed and breakfast, on my way
I love it when my boss agrees
To volunteer on Saturday

We met and set our table up
Adults and kids were all around
They came to take free airplane rides
But weather kept them on the ground

And so the turnout was quite low
But still we helped to spread the word
Everything was going well
Til I got pooped on by a bird

And not a little bit, oh no!
My hair and glasses got it worst
The others helped me clean it up
But had to take a picture first

And then I couldn't go back home
To clean the stuff the bird did smirch
I had to go support my girl
At her recital at our church

Once there, I went up to the room
With all those folks, so debonaire
While all the time I'm wondering
"Can they see bird poo in my hair?"

Before too long they wrapped it up
(She did quite well, for what it's worth)
And finally I headed home
To keep on hacking grass from earth

And since I knew this job would be
Hard and sweaty, dirty too,
I went right out to finish up
While still adorned with residue

The mowing took all afternoon
The grass was thick and wet and tall
But I kept at it, inch by inch
Until I finally got it all

Hooray! I finally finished it!
Now I can shower, get all clean
Inside the house, I find my wife
Is washing sheets in the machine

So now not only can't I bathe
Because the water's being used
I also can't relax because
She's stripped the place I would have snoozed!

So anyway, eventually
I got my shower and my nap
And now although I'm sore I'm glad
I'm done with all that mowing... stuff

(At least until next week!)

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