Thursday, May 9, 2013

My New Mower

My hands are blistered, back is sore
I’ve been out working in the yard
I’ve finished some but still there’s more
The going’s slow, the work is hard

See, up ‘til now I haven’t mown
The yard because the mower’s dead
And in that time the grass has grown
Which made me feel uneasy dread

And so I’m trying something new
I bought a mower with a reel
Out in the front yard clippings flew
And mowing soon held some appeal

See, this thing’s quiet, this thing’s light
It doesn’t stink of gas or grease
I could mow both day or night
And leave the neighborhood in peace

But then today I moved into
The back yard where the grass is long
And I could barely push it through
I hope this work will make me strong

And yet, despite the work and pain
A strange result has come to pass
Though some might think I’ve gone insane
I kind of like to mow the grass

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