Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Able & Baker

Able and Baker, you brave little monkeys
You boldly went forth where nobody had gone
You showed us that spaceflight was safe for a human
And helped usher in an exciting new dawn

On May 28, in the year ’59
You were strapped in a Jupiter, shot into space
Were you scared when you first heard the rocket ignite?
Did your little palms sweat, did your little hearts race?

Did you know that the others before you had perished
When rockets exploded before they were done
Or when they crashed down due to parachute failure
Or baked in the scorching New Mexico sun?

Of course not! I mean, they were just little monkeys
And really, they didn’t have much of a choice
But Able the rhesus and squirrel monkey Baker
Survived their ordeal, which made NASA rejoice!

And what an ordeal! At their peak in their capsule
The monkeys experienced 38 G’s
And while they arched up over 300 miles
Our little Miss Baker tried catching some zzz’s!

And so I say “Thanks” to our little space monkeys
The lessons you taught we were eager to learn
You made it look easy, so one final question:
I’m good as a monkey, so when’s it my turn?

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