Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

Is there any better way
To celebrate the first of May
Than making up a holiday
So everyone can dance and play?

(If you can’t think, don’t get downhearted
Here are some to get you started)

May the First, of course, is May Day!
It’s also both Law Day and Lei Day!
If you like chocolate, it’s Parfait Day!
And at your job it might be Pay Day!

(Now it’s your turn, so don’t be lazy
Make up some rhymes and just go crazy!)

We’ll start off simple, maybe Clay Day
Hay Day’s good, or maybe Tray Day
But wait, there’s so much more to say Day
You could kneel and start to pray Day
Read some “Fifty Shades of Gray” Day
Because it might be a risqué Day
Drink too much and start to sway Day
Poke a horse and make him neigh Day
Ride a sleigh to Old Bombay Day
Hide alone on Stay Away Day
Watch a film by Michael Bay Day
Send a long communique Day
Take a vote on Yea or Nay Day
Muffet calls it Curds and Whey Day

Those are just a few suggestions
Now make your own and no more questions!

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