Sunday, May 26, 2013


I spent most of the day
Just clicking away
Zooming in on each building and sign

And it seems now I’m hooked
Cause this morning I looked
At the game GeoGuessr online

And if you don’t know
How the playing should go
There’s no place on the Earth you could hide

It’ll plunk you right down
In a field or a town
Using Google Street View as your guide

And what you must do
Is search for a clue
To determine just where you could be

You could be in the sticks
Or on Route 66
Or some island way out in the sea

Then you pick any spot
On a map that you’ve got
You get points for how wisely you choose

Now I’ve got to get back
Cause I’m on the right track
For a high score - there’s no time to lose!

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