Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunburn Dandruff Blues

The other day 
I spent a little
Too much time out in the sun

Without my hat
Without my lotion
My poor scalp got quite well done

Now it’s drying
Now it’s peeling
Got the sunburn dandruff blues

White flakes on my
Head and shoulders
Little snowdrifts round my shoes

My poor head
Feels like it’s glowing
Like a lightbulb in the night

With a breeze
The flakes surround me
Moths attracted to the light

Salt on pretzels 
Powdered donuts
Ain’t got nuthin’ on my head

When I sneeze
And start a blizzard
The neighbor kid gets out his sled

Some might think me
Too dramatic
But I swear it’s mostly true

And you’ll also
Know the truth when
Sunburn dandruff blues get you

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