Friday, May 31, 2013

Chicken Cherry Cola

Little Known Fact: The ever-popular “Chicka Cherry Cola” does not actually contain any chicken. It is, however, the preferred soft drink of most domesticated birds.

“It goes great with escargot! Just sayin’...”

(Note: this picture and post was inspired by a request from my sister for a chicken. If anyone else has a request, feel free to email me or leave a comment!)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hole in the Bucket

Happy "My Bucket's Got A Hole In It" Day! I hope everyone celebrated in an appropriate (and responsible) manner. (I'm looking at you, Henry and Liza - we don't need the fire department called out again like last year!)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Robot Parts

One of the things I love most about my job is the opportunity to be creative with some pretty high-tech stuff. For example, I'm currently using Pro/Engineer (a 3D CAD program) to design interchangeable robot parts. The idea is that students during our summer camp would be able to customize their own robot by choosing from a selection of heads, bodies and legs, which we would then print out for them in our 3D printer. Anyhow, tonight I had some ideas for parts, so I sketched them out and called it a blog post...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Able & Baker

Able and Baker, you brave little monkeys
You boldly went forth where nobody had gone
You showed us that spaceflight was safe for a human
And helped usher in an exciting new dawn

On May 28, in the year ’59
You were strapped in a Jupiter, shot into space
Were you scared when you first heard the rocket ignite?
Did your little palms sweat, did your little hearts race?

Did you know that the others before you had perished
When rockets exploded before they were done
Or when they crashed down due to parachute failure
Or baked in the scorching New Mexico sun?

Of course not! I mean, they were just little monkeys
And really, they didn’t have much of a choice
But Able the rhesus and squirrel monkey Baker
Survived their ordeal, which made NASA rejoice!

And what an ordeal! At their peak in their capsule
The monkeys experienced 38 G’s
And while they arched up over 300 miles
Our little Miss Baker tried catching some zzz’s!

And so I say “Thanks” to our little space monkeys
The lessons you taught we were eager to learn
You made it look easy, so one final question:
I’m good as a monkey, so when’s it my turn?

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I spent most of the day
Just clicking away
Zooming in on each building and sign

And it seems now I’m hooked
Cause this morning I looked
At the game GeoGuessr online

And if you don’t know
How the playing should go
There’s no place on the Earth you could hide

It’ll plunk you right down
In a field or a town
Using Google Street View as your guide

And what you must do
Is search for a clue
To determine just where you could be

You could be in the sticks
Or on Route 66
Or some island way out in the sea

Then you pick any spot
On a map that you’ve got
You get points for how wisely you choose

Now I’ve got to get back
Cause I’m on the right track
For a high score - there’s no time to lose!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Star Wars Memories

I was five years of age back in May
Thirty six years ago on this day
When a movie took me
On a life-changing spree
To a galaxy far, far away

So now, though the years have passed by
And I’ll love the first three ‘til I die
I can’t wait to behold
The new stories unfold
When the Disney folks give it a try*

(*Whoops, I meant “do, or do not” - everyone knows there is no “try”!)

Friday, May 24, 2013

National Escargot Day

According to my source ( today is National Escargot Day. I think they might just be making stuff up at this point, but it keeps supplying me with plenty of drawing ideas, so I'll stick with it for now. (It also says today is Brother's Day, and did I get a card or anything from my sister? No! But she did give me a nice mention on Facebook, so I guess I'll forgive her if anyone came here because of her. Leave me a comment so I'll know how much trouble she's in.)

Anyway, Escargot Day. Here's a little message a friendly snail asked me to post.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

World Turtle Day

It's amazing how fast these things sneak up on us! Here it is, World Turtle Day once again, and I almost missed it!

"Are you a turtle?"

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Laughing Puppy

Little Known Fact: Puppies spend a good portion of their day laughing at their owners while they’re away at work.

“We spend the rest of the time eating and taking naps! Suckers!”

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Sweet Study

Some people might claim that there’s nothing to science
That little of value results from it all
But I’m here to tell you today there’s a study
Perhaps causing doubters to stumble and fall

You see, thanks to science, we now know the answer
To a question that buzzed round our minds like a gnat
It’s a question of candy, delightful and sticky,
And whether that sweet stuff will make us all fat

And guess what? It turns out there’s no correlation
Between the consumption of candy and size
Of your waist or your skinfolds or other stuff, namely
Obesity factors or triglycerides

Of course, some might question the worth of the study
Because it just looked at how often they ate
All their candy, and yet it just didn’t consider
The quantity of the stuff heaped on their plate

While others might question the people who did it
And hint that the truth they’re unwilling to see
Just because all their funding was given by people
Whose goal is to grow the whole sweets industry

And as for the Luddites who question this study
I’ll tell them, “I think you've been touched in the head!
So shut up and leave me my Snickers and Skittles!
I’ll stay thin and healthy until I am dead!"

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Great Blimp Races

Last weekend thought I’d have some fun
And do something I’d never done
I’d go and sit out in the sun
To watch the Great Blimp Races!

And when I got there, what a sight!
The skies were filled with blimps so bright
Their colors filled me with delight
All for the Great Blimp Races!

They started out all side by side
In a line a mile wide
And then the race announcer cried
“Begin the Great Blimp Races!”

The engines howled, propellors churned
And as they started, heads all turned
We screamed and yelled, we weren’t concerned
We cheered the Great Blimp Races!

We cheered until our throats were sore
Excitement oozed from every pore
Sedately, blimps began to soar
To start the Great Blimp Races!

With time, the cheering died down low
We realized, despite the show
That blimps, it seems, are very slow
The lazy Great Blimp Races

There was a crash an hour in
Around Turn 2, 3 bumped 8’s fin
And gently, both began to spin
Exciting Great Blimp Races!

But more excitement? There was none
I left before the race was done
I never even learned who won
My first and last Blimp Races!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Misty Hills

Tonight I tried something new: a drawing using only the markers. No pencil pre-sketch, no pigment pens for outlining/texturing - just blended markers. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunburn Dandruff Blues

The other day 
I spent a little
Too much time out in the sun

Without my hat
Without my lotion
My poor scalp got quite well done

Now it’s drying
Now it’s peeling
Got the sunburn dandruff blues

White flakes on my
Head and shoulders
Little snowdrifts round my shoes

My poor head
Feels like it’s glowing
Like a lightbulb in the night

With a breeze
The flakes surround me
Moths attracted to the light

Salt on pretzels 
Powdered donuts
Ain’t got nuthin’ on my head

When I sneeze
And start a blizzard
The neighbor kid gets out his sled

Some might think me
Too dramatic
But I swear it’s mostly true

And you’ll also
Know the truth when
Sunburn dandruff blues get you

Friday, May 17, 2013

Night Launch

I've wanted to try different techniques for drawing clouds with the markers for a while now, and what makes better clouds that a shuttle launch?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Straw Hat Day

Today, May 15, is Straw Hat Day - the official day when men should stop wearing their felt winter fedoras and instead start wearing light, airy straw hats for the summer. Apparently this day also makes me start thinking like an old-timey hat salesman...

It’s time to put your felt away
And go for tan instead of gray
It’s May fifteenth, so shout “Hooray!”
Today, at last, is Straw Hat Day

Yes, Straw Hat Day, the day when guys
All realize that the weather dries
They doff the hats for winter skies
And now use straw to shield their eyes

So if you are a dapper gent
Don’t be a bitter malcontent
Just save up every single cent
A straw hat sure is cash well spent

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Little Known Fact: A small but significant percentage of all bunnies on the planet are actually hyper-intelligent, trans-dimentional superbeings. The rest are just widdle cuddle-wuddums, ootie-cutie balls of fluff. Yes you are, yes you are!

Go ahead. Guess which one I am...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Bubbles!

Another day, another card. I drew this one for one of my co-workers, who goes by the nickname "Bubbles".

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of those who mother! Here's the front of the card and the poem I made for my mom (the text was done with the computer and the branch was drawn in by hand).

M is for memories, most of them good
O is for order, you did what you could
Tea, just like you is both soothing and warm
H - happy households were always the norm
Everyone knows you’re the one I adore
Really I couldn’t have asked for much more

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mowing, concluded

You might be wondering, "Why all these poems in a row? Where are the pictures?" (Or you might be wondering "Now where did I put that remote?" or perhaps "What's that crawling on my foot?") Anyway, blame it on the mowing - my hands are currently curled into blistered perma-claws, and I can barely hold a pen, let alone draw anything. So anyway, here's a poem about my great day...

I got up while the sky was dark
Dressed and breakfast, on my way
I love it when my boss agrees
To volunteer on Saturday

We met and set our table up
Adults and kids were all around
They came to take free airplane rides
But weather kept them on the ground

And so the turnout was quite low
But still we helped to spread the word
Everything was going well
Til I got pooped on by a bird

And not a little bit, oh no!
My hair and glasses got it worst
The others helped me clean it up
But had to take a picture first

And then I couldn't go back home
To clean the stuff the bird did smirch
I had to go support my girl
At her recital at our church

Once there, I went up to the room
With all those folks, so debonaire
While all the time I'm wondering
"Can they see bird poo in my hair?"

Before too long they wrapped it up
(She did quite well, for what it's worth)
And finally I headed home
To keep on hacking grass from earth

And since I knew this job would be
Hard and sweaty, dirty too,
I went right out to finish up
While still adorned with residue

The mowing took all afternoon
The grass was thick and wet and tall
But I kept at it, inch by inch
Until I finally got it all

Hooray! I finally finished it!
Now I can shower, get all clean
Inside the house, I find my wife
Is washing sheets in the machine

So now not only can't I bathe
Because the water's being used
I also can't relax because
She's stripped the place I would have snoozed!

So anyway, eventually
I got my shower and my nap
And now although I'm sore I'm glad
I'm done with all that mowing... stuff

(At least until next week!)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mowing, continued

First, let me say that while I still like my new mower and think it will work out very well in the long run, whipping the long, thick grass that covers the backyard into shape with a reel mower is NOT FUN! (And I'm not even done with it yet!) So here's a super short poem, then I'm going to crash.

Mowing long grass is quite hard
And my arms feel all droopy like lard
So if it's not hewn
Incredibly soon
I'm tempted to pave the backyard

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My New Mower

My hands are blistered, back is sore
I’ve been out working in the yard
I’ve finished some but still there’s more
The going’s slow, the work is hard

See, up ‘til now I haven’t mown
The yard because the mower’s dead
And in that time the grass has grown
Which made me feel uneasy dread

And so I’m trying something new
I bought a mower with a reel
Out in the front yard clippings flew
And mowing soon held some appeal

See, this thing’s quiet, this thing’s light
It doesn’t stink of gas or grease
I could mow both day or night
And leave the neighborhood in peace

But then today I moved into
The back yard where the grass is long
And I could barely push it through
I hope this work will make me strong

And yet, despite the work and pain
A strange result has come to pass
Though some might think I’ve gone insane
I kind of like to mow the grass

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ray Harryhausen

Ray Harryhausen, one of the greats of stop-motion animation and special effects for movies passed away yesterday at the age of 92. Here's just one of his creations, the cyclops from the movie "The  7th Voyage of Sinbad".

"Excuse me, do you guys know where I can find the salad bar?"

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Little Puffin

Little Known Fact: Even after several years of intensive education and training programs, 3 out of 5 puffins do not know their right from their left.

"Won't someone please help end the madness?"

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Wish

Of all the things that ever were
There’s one I wish I could have seen
I mean, what could be awesomer
Than pterodactyls? They’re so keen!

A pterodactyl, flying high,
Above a beach, all rocks and sand
I’d stand there, waving to the sky
And then he’d see me, and he’d land

He’d waddle over, awkwardly,
I’d hold my hand out, with a fish
He’d eat, then sparkle magically
And say he’d grant me any wish

Of course I’d wish to fly with him
Across the land and through the sky
Granting wishes bold or prim
To anyone who caught our eye

Together then we’d fly away
Spreading goodness, spreading joy,
A new location every day
For any little girl or boy

Alas, my dream is not to be!
The pterodactyl’s gone extinct
And when considered magically
It was a bust, to be succinct

So as a dreamer, all alone,
There’s only one thing I can do
I’ll spread the love all on my own
And maybe you could do it, too

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Penguin & Pangolin

Today is National Cartoonist's Day! The very first Sunday color comic strip (The Yellow Kid, by Richard F. Outcault) was published on May 5, 1895! Here's my attempt at a comic strip...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy Star Wars Day!!

Soon TK-971 began to suspect that his deployment to Tatooine might not adequately fulfill his need for speed...


Friday, May 3, 2013

The Swarm

The screams! The screams are never ceasing
The screams! Their volume is increasing
Although they should be dying down
As evening gloom engulfs the town
I feel my grip on sanity releasing

The smells! The smells are overbearing
The smells! They’ve almost got me swearing
How can they be so sickly sweet
And yet smell like fermented feet?
The pungent cloud has got a headache flaring

The swarm! The swarm is all around me
The swarm! I hide, but still they’ve found me
They never stopped, they never rested
My whole house has been infested
It’s like the waters reached right up and drowned me

So friends, avoid the madness as it swirls
Don’t host a sleepover for little girls!

(Why, yes, my youngest daughter's birthday is tomorrow! How could you have guessed?)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Difference

Little Known Fact: Although they are similar, there is a difference between buffalo and bison. The difference is 6.

"Did you know that?"         "He proved it with math. It must be true!"

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

Is there any better way
To celebrate the first of May
Than making up a holiday
So everyone can dance and play?

(If you can’t think, don’t get downhearted
Here are some to get you started)

May the First, of course, is May Day!
It’s also both Law Day and Lei Day!
If you like chocolate, it’s Parfait Day!
And at your job it might be Pay Day!

(Now it’s your turn, so don’t be lazy
Make up some rhymes and just go crazy!)

We’ll start off simple, maybe Clay Day
Hay Day’s good, or maybe Tray Day
But wait, there’s so much more to say Day
You could kneel and start to pray Day
Read some “Fifty Shades of Gray” Day
Because it might be a risqué Day
Drink too much and start to sway Day
Poke a horse and make him neigh Day
Ride a sleigh to Old Bombay Day
Hide alone on Stay Away Day
Watch a film by Michael Bay Day
Send a long communique Day
Take a vote on Yea or Nay Day
Muffet calls it Curds and Whey Day

Those are just a few suggestions
Now make your own and no more questions!