Saturday, March 30, 2013

Little Known Easter Fact

Let's get ready for tomorrow's celebrations with another Little Known Fact:
The Easter Bunny was originally known as the “Easter Island Bunny” to celebrate the discovery of the island in 1722. The popular holiday mascot was changed to its current form to protest the annexation of the island by Chile in 1888 and because it frightened small children.

Plus, my eggs were always cracking when I hopped!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Baby Bumblebee

My oldest daughter is learning the piano. Tonight she started a new song, "Baby Bumblebee" and really had a good time with it. It's nice to see her moving past the "where's the next note" phase and into the "playing music can be fun, even if I don't get everything right" phase. Yes, your daddy is so proud of you.

Please don't squash me up!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cooper's Head Lighthouse

Little Known Fact: Since 1972, the Cooper’s Head Lighthouse in Cooper’s Head, North Carolina, has been illuminated solely by a large jar of fireflies.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Another poem based on true events from this afternoon.

At first I liked the snow last night
The message came - the schools were closed
And I was told “Don’t come to work”
So I remained in bed and dozed

Eventually I did get up
And gazed upon the wintry scene
The beauty could not hide the fact
The driveway needed to be clean

So with my shovel out I went
Grumbling along the way
But then my daughter followed me
To keep me company and play

The snow was thick and dense and wet
And cracks would catch the shovel blade
But how could I be grumpy when
She kept on laughing while she played

The sidewalk wasn’t any fun
My back was sore, the work was hard
But when I looked around at her
She’d built a snowman in our yard

And then she said the final thing
That caused my bitterness to morph
She said, “Hey Daddy! Look, I am
A Pink Love Walrus - orff, orff, orff!!”

So just remember, if you've got
A hard, unpleasant job to do
If you’re lucky you might have
A Pink Love Walrus visit you!

The original Pink Love Walrus and her snowman

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Late Night Duty

Just one more thing to do tonight
Before I get to go to bed
And like that sword of Whats-his-name
It dangles high above my head

I could ignore it, let it go,
Postpone it for another day
But if I take the easy path
My wife might have some things to say

I’d counter with this poem right here
“I had to write my post last night”
And though a poem can soothe the soul
In this case it might start a fight

Perhaps I’d better end this thing,
Close up the chips (though they’re delicious) 
And get my butt up off the couch
Go to the sink and wash the dishes

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tea Party

Little Known Fact: Despite her sparkling personality and generally kind demeanor, Amebelodon was rarely invited to tea parties.

"I say, my dear, is this oolong? I simply adore oolong!"

Friday, March 22, 2013

Gimme A Hand

You can never get too much practice drawing hands, so here's tonight's attempt...

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Tonight we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner, and in their little store there was a decorative sign with a picture of a seahorse on it. I realized that seahorses are pretty cool, so here's a seahorse.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The First Day of Spring

It’s finally here! It’s the first day of Spring
When the bunnies come out and the birds start to sing
While the sunlight shines warmly on each living thing
So let’s all give a cheer for the first day of Spring

Oh the first day of Spring is a wonderous day
When the flowers all bloom and the little lambs play
And all the last traces of snow melt away
On the first day of Spring, that most wonderous day!

Yes on the first day you will most likely see
Every branch filled with blossoms on every tree
As a butterfly flutters and then lands on me
On the first day of Spring, that is what you will see

But wait! It gets better! You’ll see even more!
There are duckies and kitties and puppies galore!
There are birds by the gross, there are bees by the score
On the first day of Spring there’s so much to adore!

Well, that’s how it should be, but not today! No!
With the wind chill it feels like it’s 30 below
And the weatherman says that we might get some snow
It’s the first day of Spring, darn it! Winter must go!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It's time for a history lesson! On this day, March 19, 1916, the United States used airplanes in a combat role for the first time. 8 Curtiss JN-3 "Jenny" airplanes with the 1st Aero Squadron accompanied Gen. Pershing on his expedition into Mexico to locate and capture the rebel leader Pancho Villa. The results were less than impressive, but the planes are now considered classics. Here's my sketch of a Jenny.

You can read more about the expedition here.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dishwasher Rage

Another little limerick inspired by an actual event from this evening.

When a furious daughter’s mood flashes
And the dishwasher door loudly crashes
Then a mug and a bowl 
Are no longer quite whole
And she’s lucky she’s not getting lashes

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Moustache Musings

Sometimes I wonder if I should
Grow a moustache on my face
Would it rock? Would it look good?
Or would it just look out of place?

And then I wonder, if I did,
What type or style should I try?
An Einstein, Giorgio or Chevron
Might be pleasing to the eye.

Perhaps a Zappa or a Zorro, 
Freestyle or Fu Manchu.
A Painter’s Brush or big ol’ Walrus
Cookie Duster or Horseshoe?

An Anchor, Natural or Pencil?
Hungarian might do the trick
A Mario or Pancho Villa
A Dali, thin, or Magnum, thick?

Imperial, Van Dyke or English
A Handlebar might be the rave
Perhaps a Toothbrush like old Hit- well...
Maybe I’ll just go and shave.

Friday, March 15, 2013


This post was inspired by a picture I found in the trash. A few days ago we were cleaning up and I found this picture of a cow that my oldest daughter drew, lying in the recycle bin in the garage.

Obviously, it was way too cute to be thrown away, so I saved it and used as the inspiration and starting point for some more cow drawings. Behold, cows!

Again, my daughter's artwork turns out to be cuter. Oh well...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Pi Day!

In celebration of pi day (3/14), here's a bonus: a poem and a doodle! (Plus it's all math-geeky and involves pie. What's not to like?)

Charlie chews around the crust
Daisy digs the longest line
If we then divide the two

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Comet Hunting

Oh Comet Pan-STARRS, you big dope
You built me up, you gave me hope

I mean, a comet! What a sight!
You don’t see those things every night

My optimism waned today
The clouds were thick, the skies were gray

But as night fell, I nearly cheered
When all the clouds just disappeared!

I checked the web and found a chart
I knew just where to look by heart

So after dinner, I got dressed,
I went out front, turned to the west

I saw the sunset and the moon
I stared, and thought I’d find it soon

But there was nothing there at all
I though, perhaps, it was too small

So I retrieved my telescope
Did that work out? In one word - nope!

I kept on searching, never stopping
While the mercury kept dropping

And while I looked, I slowly froze
With numbing ears and dripping nose

And so, at last, to my chagrin
I gave it up and went back in

But don’t be sad, I’ll be alright
And try again tomorrow night.

See the comet? Me neither!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pope-Pickin' Poetry

Tonight's entry will be rather brief, just a couple of quick limericks about Peter's people picking their Pope. Coincidentally, I wrote this at church tonight (while waiting for my mom to finish her play practice) after attending a "So You've Just Been Elected As An Elder In The Church" meeting. Anyway, on with the rhymes...


In Rome, all the Cardinals choose
A new Pope to deal with their issues
And I hope they choose right
Or they might start a fight
Boy, I’m glad I am not in their shoes

Long ago, manly men would all crave
Time to squat by themselves in a cave
They could argue all day
While the smoke puffed away
Kind of like today’s papal conclave

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mr. Grumpy Pants returns!

When we last saw Mr. Grumpy Pants, he was just a doodle on a chalkboard. Since then, I've gotten nothing but complaints from him about not having his own post. Hopefully this will shut him up (but I kinda doubt it.)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Boulder Beach

When I was young and we used to take family trips, one of my favorite things to do was to climb all over any giant rocks I could find. I don't know if that's what inspired me to get my degree in geology, but I'm sure it didn't hurt.

This is not me (but it looks like fun!)
Based on a photo from here

Friday, March 8, 2013


This one's for my wife. As soon as she said the word, the first two lines popped right into my head and the rest of it fell right into place. Thanks, honey! I hope you sleep well tonight.

I can’t relax, and so I pray
Now I lay me down to sleep
So many thoughts get in my way
Of life and death, so dark and deep
Music sometimes soothes the mind
Not when I outlast it though
I check the clock only to find
Another endless night to go

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Serious Problem

There’s a sweeping debate
That’s facing the nation
A critical matter for all

It’s not about wars
Or pontiffs or taxes
Especially not basketball

It’s closer to home
It affects everybody
It’s caused the most tranquil to crack

Should the end of the roll
Of your home’s bathroom tissue
Hang down in the front or the back?

Both sides have their ardent
And vocal supporters
Some people prefer down behind

They say it looks neater
And children and kitties
Can’t cause the whole roll to unwind

On the other hand some say
The end should just dangle
In front for the whole world to see

You can count off your sheets
And you won’t touch the wall
And the side facing up’s cushiony

While both have their points
And the merits of each one
Are thoughtful, persuasive and strong

In the end there’s just one way
To properly hang it
And it’s not down the back - that’s just wrong!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Arctic Camel

So, apparently the weathermen got it right this time. Last night we got over 10 inches (25 cm) of snow dumped on us. All the schools were closed and I got a day off work at home day, too! Anyway, while I was messing around on the internet working, I found this article about camel fossils discovered up in the Arctic tundra. The story had a picture with it, but obviously Arctic camels would look more like this...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Snow is Falling Down

Tonight we're being hit by a pretty good snowstorm. It's only 10:00 and already most of the area schools have 2 hour delays for tomorrow. Stay safe, everyone.

The snow is falling down
On the yard and on the street
It’s falling down on me
And it’s covering my feet

The snow is wafting down
On the bushes and the trees
I need to get back home
‘Cause it’s now up to my knees

The snow is drifting down
On the cars and on the ships
I’ve made it to my driveway
But it’s brushing on my hips

The snow blows all around
From the east and from the west
I’m nearly to my porch
And it’s halfway up my chest

The snow is piling high
And it’s up above my chin
I push my front door open
Then I quickly hustle in

I’m so glad I made it home
To my warm and cozy den
I swiftly grab my trusty sled
And head back out again

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Berth Day, Part 2

Okay, I've finished the Dragon picture. (And by "finished", I mean "finally reached the point where I'm ready to be done working on it".) So anyway, it's supposed to be a view of an approaching Dragon capsule as seen from the ISS cupola as they pass over the terminator.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Happy Berth Day, Part 1

No, I didn't misspell the title. "Berth Day" refers to the SpaceX Dragon capsule successfully berthing (or docking and connecting) with the International Space Station this morning. I started a drawing of the Dragon capsule as seen through the Cupola, but it's almost midnight and I'm nowhere near finished. So, I've decided to post what I've done so far as a work in progress, and I'll post the finished picture tomorrow. I figure this still counts as a post because a) I've already put a fair amount of work into this, and b) nobody's viewing this blog anyway, so nobody but me cares! (Want to prove me wrong? Leave a comment!)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Beetle Battle

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! One of my favorite Seuss rhymes is the Tweetle Beetle Battle section of Fox in Socks. This is what I get when I have some beetles battle beetles with some paddles in some puddles.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Lions and Lambs

If March, some folks say,
Comes in like a lion
The end of the month’s like a lamb

On the other hand, gentle
And lamby-type weather
Then leads to a lion-ish slam

But today’s neither one
It’s just chilly and slushy
And boring and clammy and gray

So the end of the month
Should be warmish and dusty
While the wind blows the moisture away

So what kinds of pairs
Can compare to the weather
We see all around us today

And the opposite kind
At the end of the month?
Here are just a few things you could say:

In like a slug and then out like a sloth
In like a maggot and out like a moth 

In like an octopus, out like an ox
In like a frog and then out like a fox 

In like a camel and out like a clam
In like some jerky and out like some jam

In like an elephant, out like an eel
In like a pineapple, out like its peel

In like a tangerine, out like some toast
In like old Gollum and out like a ghost

In like the bayou and out like the beach
In like a lizard and out like a leech

But all of these foxes 
And oxes and camels
And beaches and leaches and clams

Just confuse my poor brain
So just keep all your lizards
I’ll stick with my lions and lambs