Friday, March 1, 2013

Lions and Lambs

If March, some folks say,
Comes in like a lion
The end of the month’s like a lamb

On the other hand, gentle
And lamby-type weather
Then leads to a lion-ish slam

But today’s neither one
It’s just chilly and slushy
And boring and clammy and gray

So the end of the month
Should be warmish and dusty
While the wind blows the moisture away

So what kinds of pairs
Can compare to the weather
We see all around us today

And the opposite kind
At the end of the month?
Here are just a few things you could say:

In like a slug and then out like a sloth
In like a maggot and out like a moth 

In like an octopus, out like an ox
In like a frog and then out like a fox 

In like a camel and out like a clam
In like some jerky and out like some jam

In like an elephant, out like an eel
In like a pineapple, out like its peel

In like a tangerine, out like some toast
In like old Gollum and out like a ghost

In like the bayou and out like the beach
In like a lizard and out like a leech

But all of these foxes 
And oxes and camels
And beaches and leaches and clams

Just confuse my poor brain
So just keep all your lizards
I’ll stick with my lions and lambs

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