Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Comet Hunting

Oh Comet Pan-STARRS, you big dope
You built me up, you gave me hope

I mean, a comet! What a sight!
You don’t see those things every night

My optimism waned today
The clouds were thick, the skies were gray

But as night fell, I nearly cheered
When all the clouds just disappeared!

I checked the web and found a chart
I knew just where to look by heart

So after dinner, I got dressed,
I went out front, turned to the west

I saw the sunset and the moon
I stared, and thought I’d find it soon

But there was nothing there at all
I though, perhaps, it was too small

So I retrieved my telescope
Did that work out? In one word - nope!

I kept on searching, never stopping
While the mercury kept dropping

And while I looked, I slowly froze
With numbing ears and dripping nose

And so, at last, to my chagrin
I gave it up and went back in

But don’t be sad, I’ll be alright
And try again tomorrow night.

See the comet? Me neither!

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