Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The First Day of Spring

It’s finally here! It’s the first day of Spring
When the bunnies come out and the birds start to sing
While the sunlight shines warmly on each living thing
So let’s all give a cheer for the first day of Spring

Oh the first day of Spring is a wonderous day
When the flowers all bloom and the little lambs play
And all the last traces of snow melt away
On the first day of Spring, that most wonderous day!

Yes on the first day you will most likely see
Every branch filled with blossoms on every tree
As a butterfly flutters and then lands on me
On the first day of Spring, that is what you will see

But wait! It gets better! You’ll see even more!
There are duckies and kitties and puppies galore!
There are birds by the gross, there are bees by the score
On the first day of Spring there’s so much to adore!

Well, that’s how it should be, but not today! No!
With the wind chill it feels like it’s 30 below
And the weatherman says that we might get some snow
It’s the first day of Spring, darn it! Winter must go!

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