Monday, January 13, 2014

The Choco Nacho Fountain

While driving my daughter home from choir practice tonight, one of us happened to say the phrase "choco nacho fountain". Clearly that's a phrase needing a poem (and maybe an illustration, too), so here you go!

At the tip of Teapot Mountain
There’s a most majestic fountain
But it’s not the type with water flowing out
While most fountains spray out water
It’s delicious, and much hotter
With two jets of goodness shooting all about

There’s a column made of copper
With a pangolin most proper
Pouring gooey liquid chocolate from his hat
In the opposite direction
There’s a penguin-shaped projection
That spills molten nacho cheese sauce in a vat

And this fountain, if you found it
Has these bushes all around it
Growing strawberries not seen in any store
While the trees around the clearing
Have these branches, most endearing,
Filled with tacos and tortilla chips and more

So if you climb that mountain
To the Choco Nacho Fountain
And you see a bloated figure lying there
Please don’t tease me or deride me
Say “Hello” and sit beside me
Cause a treat is always better when you share

1 comment:

  1. Love it. This seems to have the makings of a children's book.
