Friday, January 17, 2014

Dodo 3D

Okay, so you probably could have guessed something like this was coming. Tonight I've combined a paper cutout-type picture with the 3D layers technique. The subject was inspired by my youngest daughter. After dinner, she told me she was a dodo bird and was shy, so whenever I stared at her she would pull her arms up beside her like stumpy little wings and scurry away.

Note, the background paper texture is from here:


  1. All of these pictures are cute but I can't cross my eyes and make the 3-d effect work. Shy??!! Do you have another younger daughter that I don't know about?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. :) this looks so cute! if you need more old paper textures for your future projects here's 50+ beautiful old paper textures (FREE):
