Sunday, January 26, 2014

Snowy Praise

Today we had a snow day from church! I don't remember ever having church cancelled due to bad weather, but I'm not complaining. I went right back to sleep under my nice, warm electric blanket. As I was drifting off, this popped into my half-asleep brain...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him agove for all this snow
I get to stay here warm as toast
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost


  1. Well, if you haven't been struck by lightning yet I will assume that you won't be. Glad you enjoyed the "day off." So did I, I didn't plan to go to church anyway but this was it was guilt free.

    1. Yes, as nice as it was to sleep in, I think I got what was coming to me when I had to go out and reshovel everything that I had just cleaned off yesterday. (Special thanks to the plow trucks that piled up big, heavy drifts at the foot of my driveway!)
