Sunday, September 15, 2013

Evening Limericks

Here are a few random limericks based on some of today's events.

The hour-long rain delay in the Seattle/San Francisco game:

In Seattle, when playing a game
Does anyone need to explain
You don’t open the roof
If you do, you’re a goof
And you’re asking for lightning and rain

The mess in Syria:

In Syria, what should we do?
Should we missile a rebel or two?
Should we let it all slide?
It’s too hard to decide
Mr. Putin, it’s all up to you.

Tonight's snack:

Oh Doritos, you’re such a delight
I could eat you most every night
With your powdery cheese
And your tang’s sure to please
Though my breath may cause others a fright

The Miss America pageant

In a contest of beauty and grace
Full of ladies that cry and embrace
There’s two things that you need
If you hope to succeed:
A hot bod and a real purdy face

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