Saturday, September 21, 2013

Big Whopper Liar Day

On the third Saturday of September, in New Harmony, Indiana, is the annual Big Whopper Liar Day tall-tale telling competition. I wasn't able to make it down there, but it got me thinking about some of my own unique abilities...

Let’s tell a tall tale
Let’s spin a good yarn
Exaggerate fibs
To the size of a barn

Can I do this in verse?
Of course! Can’t you see
There’s no other poet
Who’s better than me!

And what about drawing?
Consider these facts
My skills show “real” artists
Are talentless hacks!

In my job, I’m the best
All my students agree
Every kid that I teach
Gets his own Ph.D.

Please consider my bod
Am I studly? You bet!
I’ll lift eight thousand pounds
Without breaking a sweat

There are so many ways
I completely excel
Including, of course
Humbleness, can’t you tell?

I can breakdance and sew
And bake prizewinning pies
But the thing that I’m best at
Is making up lies

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