Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Be Late For Something Day

Oh be alert and be aware
Prepare without delay
September 5th is National
Be Late For Something Day

So hit the snooze on your alarm
A couple extra times
Instead of getting up for work
Just listen to the chimes

That book that’s due to be returned
Back to the library
Just keep it for an extra day
Who cares about the fee?

And then that meeting with the doc
To see about that mole
In one more day it probably
Won’t grow out of control

Then in the evening just forget
To pick up your hot date
I’m sure your special someone won’t
Be bothered by the wait

So go ahead and put it off
Procrastinate perchance
And just ignore the fact that I
Will post this in advance

1 comment:

  1. It's too late, the only thing I can still be late for today is going to bed, but it's nice to have an excuse for what I do anyway.
