Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Weird Day

Tonight's poem is based on actual events from my weird day today...

Today while at work I had just squatted down
To help with a question or two
When a strange thing occurred - for a moment or so
I didn’t know quite what to do

While I knelt there a little boy reached from behind
And he just started rubbing my head
I turned and I asked why he’d do such a thing
“Your head is so shiny!” he said.

I let that one go, and I thought we were done
I moved on from his childish crack
But that afternoon while I was teaching he said,
“Did you know you have fat on your back?”

“Yeah, your back fat’s right here,” he said, rubbing my side
And he squished it, much to my dismay
Well, what could I do? I just kept teaching on
While trying to swat him away

So as I recall these events from today
With my brain in my big shiny head
I recline on my big fatty back and conclude
I should probably just go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's almost as demoralizing as honest grandchildren. Welcome to pre-middle age.
