Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Understanding, Take 1

Okay, here's the first poem I'm considering submitting for the "Understanding" poetry contest. Any feedback would be appreciated.

We cast our gazes upward to the sky
To galaxies and nebula aglow
Our maps of Earth-like planets strewn on high
Will help us understand how far we’ll go

We cast our gazes downward to the ground
Each isotope and fossil gets a name
The history of life in strata bound
Will help us understand from whence we came

We cast our gazes in to humankind
From DNA to Fox and NPR
Our art and music, body, soul and mind
Will help us understand just who we are

Through understanding self and earth and air
We are the universe made self-aware

1 comment:

  1. I really love the last two lines and actually like the entire poem very much. The only thing that I find jarring is the word whence and that's only because everything else is smoothly contemporary and that word just seems old fashioned but I have no idea how to change that line and still keep the rhythm, rhyme, etc.
