Friday, January 16, 2015

Understanding My Muse

(Another submission to the "Understanding" poetry contest. Don't worry about the first few lines - it's all "artistic license" [ = lies] to set the dark tone that so many poems seem to have these days.)

I’m giving up on poetry
Nobody likes my stuff
My friends all moved away or died
My toilet paper’s rough

And just last week my darling wife
Demanded a divorce
I’m living in a cardboard box
My armpits smell like horse

Alas! I can’t keep writing this
I know myself much better
Who wants to wear a hair shirt when
You’ve got a comfy sweater

And why would I go wallowing
In tarpits of despair
When I could write a goofy poem
And find some joy in there

To understand my poetry
You therefore need to see
It’s not too deep, it’s not too wise
It’s simply fun for me

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