Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy 2015!

It's a new year, and someone's ready to party!

Also with a new year comes a slight change to the direction of this blog. I started this two years ago as a way to force myself to do something creative every day. Now with over 700 drawings and poems I feel it's definitely been successful in that regard. However, at this point, I find myself wanting to do more. Specifically, this year I want to write a novel (and hopefully get it or something published). I also want to improve my drawings, so that means I'll still be doing my best to create something every day, but it might not get posted here. Small, quick, fun sketches will still be posted, but if I'm working on a bigger, more detailed picture, I might post work-in-progress pics, or I might wait until it's all done. If I'm feeling poetical, they'll probably be posted but if I'm really getting into the writing, there might not be anything here for a while. (Of course, if you're really interested, I'm sure I'll need  proofreaders or constructive criticizers or whatever you call them.)

So if this change upsets any (or both!) of my loyal readers, I apologize. But keep checking back - there plenty more random weirdness to come!

1 comment:

  1. I happen to know a soon to be retired proof reader who might have some time on her hands.
