Monday, November 10, 2014

Family Time

Today is my 13th wedding anniversary! Unfortunately, my wife has a pretty nasty cold, so my 10-year-old daughter decided to write her a couple of poems to cheer her up. We thought they were pretty cute, so we asked her if we could post them here. She agreed, on the condition that I draw our family as hearts, like she had done on her card. So here are her two poems, followed by my version of our heart family.

    It's not fun when you're sick
    Sitting down and laying all day,
    But when you're sick I'll help you
    Move and get on your way.


    I'm so happy that you're in my life
    You are the best Mommy of all,
    You help me stay happy and cheerful
    Even if I fall.

1 comment:

  1. More and more talent in the family. Happy Anniversary (love the beret).
