Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rhyme Time

Oh goodness gracious, it’s after eleven
I haven’t got anything written at all
So let’s do this quickly and jot down some verses
I’ve got to get rhyming, I’d better not fall

See what I did there, it’s pretty apparent
I twisted the line so the last word would rhyme
It pains me to do it, I try to be clever
I’d be less cliched if I had some more time

Oh no, time and rhyme, now it’s getting appalling
These horrible verses will make me look bad
I can’t seem to help it, I’m spiraling downward
Until I hit bottom and then I’ll be sad

So let’s wrap this up cause it’s getting too late now
I’m sure you’ve grown weary of reading this trash
Of course with the way the world works this most likely
Will be my big breakthrough and earn tons of cash!

1 comment:

  1. At which time you can support your old mom in the manner to which I would like to become accustomed.
