Sunday, August 31, 2014

Lego Crimefighters

Tonight's limerick is brought to you courtesy of this news story I just read. Is there nothing these things can't do?

In '91 someone was killed
And today the police are all thrilled
They found new evidence
On some Legos were prints
A conviction's the new thing to build!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Desert Clouds

More cloud practice, this time pen and ink in the old sketchbook.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cliff Ruins

Going old school tonight - just me, a blank piece of cardstock and a fine-tip pen.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Beast Returns

The crickets are back in our room
All night long, chirp away in the gloom
I was nicer before
Threw them out the front door
Now I flush them away to their doom

(They keep showing up! Our room is on the second floor - we have no idea how they're getting up there, especially since we aren't finding them anywhere else in the house!)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Squiggle Creature

Today was my first day back to actual teaching, and then I chose to stick around for another 4 hours trying to whip an unruly Powerpoint into shape. Apparently my brain figured that was enough thinking for the day because it was giving me no ideas of what to post tonight. In the end I reverted to the old "draw a squiggle and see what you can make from it" idea. I have no clue what this thing I ended up with is, but at least he seems happy...

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Today we went to Target
We had to buy a thing
A thing to make some waffles
Cause waffles are the king!

The king of breakfast everywhere
The king of dinner, too
I've heard they're good with chicken
Is there nothing they can't do?

So, anyway, we got the thing
And then we headed back
We whipped up some for dinner
And it made a giant stack

Afterwards I fell into
A happy waffle haze
I wondered what to post tonight
And checked the holidays

To my surprise one stood out
In the list there on display
It seems by sheer coincidence
Today is Waffle Day!

So go and get a waffle
Whether Belgian or a cone
But keep your grubby hands off mine
Be sure to get your own!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


So apparently there's another volcano erupting in Iceland. I'm assuming no one reading this is going to get to see it in person, so here's my attempt at providing the next best thing.

Friday, August 22, 2014

First Game of the Season

We went to watch a game tonight
The first one of the year
We thought we’d have a lot of fun
We thought we’d scream and cheer

But then we got down to the field
About ten minutes late
The other team had zero, but
Our guys had twenty-eight!

We stayed to see the rest of it
Despite the humid air
And by the end they got six points
And our team didn’t care

They earned a whopping fifty-two
It wasn’t even close
And though we didn’t cheer that much
At least we’re not morose

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Poet's Day

Come, my readers, come and hear
The story of a day held dear
By countless people round the world
Whose flag of rhythm flies unfurled
Their feet have meter, verse and rhyme
Their odes are young, their stress sublime

So on this August twenty-first
We’re celebrating those well-versed
In writing sonnets or haiku
A limerick or a trope or two
But now it’s your turn, don’t delay
Just write a poem for Poet’s Day

And if you ask me, sir or ma’am
Am I a poet? Yes, iamb!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back To School Night

Tonight we went back to school! While there, we got to hear the principal and various other administrators and group leaders present their programs and give us all sorts of useful information (that we've already heard for the last few years of attending these things). So I used the time to do what any good and diligent student would do in the same situation and started doodling. These are cellphone photos, so they're probably not as sharp as the scanned images I typically post, but the originals might have ended up in a couple of girls' lockers.

One daughter requested a red panda (hard to do when you only have a black pen)

The other requested a mushroom. The dragonfly was my idea.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

National Aviation Day

As you might have guessed from the post title, it's National Aviation Day. However, I'm worn out after a long day of work (I love weeding in 95% humidity with no breeze!!) so all you get tonight is this very rough speed sketch.

Hey, I just realized something after adding the picture. Although it's not a foregone conclusion, there's a strong implication that he's about to hit the barn!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Purple Porpoise Poetry

Pertaining to the previous post...

I’ll paint a pretty picture of a playful purple porpoise
Then I’ll pen a piece of poetry precisely for the purpose
Of pointing out his parabolic pirouettes prolific
As he plunges his proboscis in the placid blue Pacific


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Purple Porpoise

Today I received a request for a purple porpoise. If there are any other ideas you'd like me to try, add it to the comments or send me an email.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Quick question - What do Batman, the nation's capital city and this post have in common?

Answer - Batman is a creation of DC comics, the capital is Washington, D.C., and DC is the Roman numeral for 600!

Happy 600th blog post!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Logic Fail

Today is both National Relaxation Day and National Failures Day.  Both of those holidays combined perfectly with actual events today, successfully resulting in this little poem. Drat.

Today is the day we’re supposed to relax
But I didn’t know that and that’s why my back’s

All achy and sore cause I strained it while mowing
I failed at relaxing but now that I’m knowing

Today there’s another obscure holiday
A day just for failures, which leads me to say

If I failed at relaxing by working outside
Should my failure be viewed as a small source of pride

Or should I be angry or feeling this tense
I succeeded at failing, which doesn’t make sense

Cause when I succeed it negates the day’s failing
I’ve then failed to fail - oh, it sets the mind wailing

Regardless, a winner or failure instead
My back’s still in pain, so I’m going to bed

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Zen Brush

Today I got to take my mother-in-law to the eye doctor. While sitting in the waiting room, I started playing with a different drawing app than the one I normally use. This one is called Zen Brush and while it's not as full-featured as Sketchbook Pro, it does have some interesting pressure and brush effects. Here's my first zen doodle - everything except the signature was drawn with the same settings, so you can see the range of line thickness and darkness you can get from adjusting how hard you push with the stylus.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Beast Revealed

I think I might still be suffering the aftereffects of last night's encounter with the cricket. I keep seeing visions of the monster every time I close my eyes. As a strategy for dealing with the horror, I have decided to try drawing the foul creature, hoping to free my mind from his evil grasp. Be warned, the following image may not be suitable for the very young or those of a sensitive demeanor. Behold, the Beast!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Facing The Beast

I am the hero of the house
A mighty lion, not a mouse

Because I saved my girls and wife
From a fate that’s fraught with strife

Specifically, an evil thing
That lived to screech and wail and sing

This vile creature got inside
Our home, upstairs, it tried to hide

So I went up to face the beast
Nervous? Yes, to say the least

I heard it screaming out its call
All the way from down the hall

I trailed it by its song of wrath
Right into the Master Bath

I closed the door, we’re both locked in
One must lose while one will win

I yanked aside the shower door
And faced the thing I’d come there for

It stared at me, a fearsome sight
Too many legs and black as night

I grappled it, quick as a wink
Before it had a chance to think

And then I wrestled it downstairs
Protecting home and wife and heirs

Out of the house, into the night
In all, a truly epic fight

I left it there, my task completed
I, the victor, him, defeated

And that’s how I became the hero
Daddy - one, the cricket - zero

Monday, August 11, 2014

Back To School

Another quick sketch, this time for everyone who is going back to school (or sending someone else there!)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hungry Like The Wolf

Another quick sketch tonight, this time to celebrate both National S'mores Day AND National Duran Duran Appreciation Day!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Challenge Accepted

Today I was perusing my mom's blog when I came across an entry from about a week ago. In it, she was writing about taking her car in for repairs after a hit and run left a big black streak on her driver side door (you can read the original post by clicking this link!) Anyway, what really attracted my attention was her desire to write an ode to her old car (a Buick Rendezvous) and her new, temporary rental (a Nissan Versa). She was not able to come up with anything (probably because she wanted to write something good). I, however, have no problem writing complete rubbish, so here's my attempt:

Well, the hit and run coulda been worse-a
Though it mighta caused my mom to curse-a
When her old Rendezvous
Got a new dent or two
She ended up driving a Versa

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Brothers Wong

When you want paint that’s bright and strong
Go buy it from the Brothers Wong

Their paint shop is the best, it’s true
With every color, every hue

So since I had to paint my door
I headed over to their store

When I arrived, to my surprise
A million colors met my eyes

I looked around and up ahead
I saw a thousand shades of red

Yellow paints stretched out of sight
When I looked over to my right

And to the left it seemed to me
The blue paints spread out like the sea

Then through a pair of double doors
A lift to all the other floors

A floor devoted just to green
A hundred types of tangerine

And teals and lavenders and tans
Just like a giant box of crayons

So I thought, “Great! This has to be
The place that has the paint for me!”

Then off I went, searched high and low,
Front to back, and to and fro,

I looked until I thought I’d faint
But still I couldn’t find my paint

So after searching all day long
I went and told the elder Wong

“I’d like to make my door much brighter
Like eggshell, but a little lighter.”

He paused, then sadly told me “No”
And so I asked his younger bro

“Do you have ivory, maybe cream,
Or something like a cloudy dream?’

The younger brother shook his head
And then the older brother said,

“There is one color, sad, but true,
Impossible for us to do

Although we’ve tried with all our might
Two Wongs can never make a white!”

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Window Saga, Part 1 - The Order

This morning we hosted a guest
He said that his windows were best
So we ordered a set
In a month we will get
All new glass, and I hope we’re impressed

We’re getting a new sliding door
Plus double hung windows - ten more
But the one that’s most fun
Is the kitchen sink one
It’s a garden type that we adore

(Here are some pictures of garden windows like we'll get in the kitchen. These are from this website - - although we're getting ours from a different company.)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Good Luck Rosetta

In March, 2004, the European Space Agency launched a probe called Rosetta to rendezvous with a comet. Tomorrow, after more than 10 years, it will arrive. What's really exciting about this mission is that it's designed to fly right alongside the comet as it approaches the sun and becomes increasingly active, instead of just doing a quick flyby. Additionally, in November of this year it will release a small lander to actually touch down on the surface of the comet. Here's wishing them the best of luck.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Chocolate Chip Day

Hey everybody, it's National Chocolate Chip Day! Here to help celebrate is Chocolate Chip himself! So go, celebrate, make cookies (not while he's watching!) and if you have any extra, feel free to send them my way!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cleaning the Garage

Petrified paint and some not-so-cool coolers
A pile of leaves like some horrid corsage
Spiders and crickets and yardsticks and rulers
That’s what you find when you clean the garage

Clearing out cobwebs and sweeping the edges
Working so hard that I need a massage
A thing that whacks weeds and a thing that trims hedges
That’s what you find when you clean the garage

Electrical cables and too many jump ropes
All tangled up like a rainbow collage
Frisbees and sleds and a sack full of Dove soaps
That’s what you find when you clean the garage

Now that it’s done and the dust and the trouble
Has faded away like a desert mirage
Order and peace has emerged from the rubble
That’s what you find when you clean the garage

(can you guess what we did this afternoon?)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Robo Parrot

While looking through websites today, a pop up window blocked part of the background window. In the background was an ad with a guy wearing a hard hat, but when blocked the top of the hat looked like a weird robot bird head to me. Of course, once I finished sketching the head, I had to add the rest of it....

Friday, August 1, 2014

Rocket Science Ice Cream

Today while in old Nappanee
Found a place that you really must see
They take sweet, flavored goo
Liquid Nitrogen, too
And made ice cream as good as can be

(It's called Rocket Science Ice Cream - click here for more info)