Friday, August 8, 2014

The Brothers Wong

When you want paint that’s bright and strong
Go buy it from the Brothers Wong

Their paint shop is the best, it’s true
With every color, every hue

So since I had to paint my door
I headed over to their store

When I arrived, to my surprise
A million colors met my eyes

I looked around and up ahead
I saw a thousand shades of red

Yellow paints stretched out of sight
When I looked over to my right

And to the left it seemed to me
The blue paints spread out like the sea

Then through a pair of double doors
A lift to all the other floors

A floor devoted just to green
A hundred types of tangerine

And teals and lavenders and tans
Just like a giant box of crayons

So I thought, “Great! This has to be
The place that has the paint for me!”

Then off I went, searched high and low,
Front to back, and to and fro,

I looked until I thought I’d faint
But still I couldn’t find my paint

So after searching all day long
I went and told the elder Wong

“I’d like to make my door much brighter
Like eggshell, but a little lighter.”

He paused, then sadly told me “No”
And so I asked his younger bro

“Do you have ivory, maybe cream,
Or something like a cloudy dream?’

The younger brother shook his head
And then the older brother said,

“There is one color, sad, but true,
Impossible for us to do

Although we’ve tried with all our might
Two Wongs can never make a white!”

1 comment:

  1. What a long, convoluted, lovely way to get to a bad pun. I loved it!
