Friday, August 15, 2014

Logic Fail

Today is both National Relaxation Day and National Failures Day.  Both of those holidays combined perfectly with actual events today, successfully resulting in this little poem. Drat.

Today is the day we’re supposed to relax
But I didn’t know that and that’s why my back’s

All achy and sore cause I strained it while mowing
I failed at relaxing but now that I’m knowing

Today there’s another obscure holiday
A day just for failures, which leads me to say

If I failed at relaxing by working outside
Should my failure be viewed as a small source of pride

Or should I be angry or feeling this tense
I succeeded at failing, which doesn’t make sense

Cause when I succeed it negates the day’s failing
I’ve then failed to fail - oh, it sets the mind wailing

Regardless, a winner or failure instead
My back’s still in pain, so I’m going to bed

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