Saturday, August 31, 2013

Zoo Trip

This morning while laying in bed
My wife rolled right over and said
“We’ve got things to do,
But let’s go to the zoo!”
So we drove to Toledo instead

At the zoo we saw critters galore
Like a croc who was ready to roar
A hippo who swam
And a polar bear clan
And I’ll stop here although there were more

Friday, August 30, 2013

Frankenstein Day

Today’s the day we celebrate
A person who wrote books so fine
It’s Mary Shelley, author of
That modern classic Frankenstein

Today’s her birthday! Celebrate!
Two hundred sixteen years at last
So come on now and resurrect
Some long dead aspect of the past

Call a flame from long ago
A high school sweetheart, someone who
Despite their life and family
I’m sure would love to hear from you

Or maybe find that casserole
That’s lurking in the freezer bin
Scrape the green stuff off and then
Heat it up and dig right in

Is there someone you despise
But you let the grudge go cold?
Fan those flames! Release the hate!
Let your rage run uncontrolled

Perhaps one time addiction held
Your spirit face down in the dirt
But now you’ve kicked it - have some fun
One more sip or snort can’t hurt

So go and dig up something old
Something buried, dead and gone
I’ve never read the book, but still
What’s the worst that could go wrong?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Back to Basics

As much fun as it is to play with the animations and other goodies available through the digital art, nothing beats just sitting back with a pen and paper and just doodling. Here's an aardvark.

Addition, 2 hours later: While what I said above is still true, sometimes you just have to take your nice, simple drawings and just go all Andy Warhol on 'em...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Shrimp Preview

Nope, still not done yet with the whole scene. However, here's a shrimp that couldn't wait to get started dancing. His friends will arrive eventually, I promise!

I got the music in me!

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Minor Setback

I was well underway
On the dance party scene
Everything looked okay
When not moving, serene

But I wanted to test it
To see how it ran
Would I love or detest it
When movement began

I was still far from finished
Despite that I tried
My joy - undiminished
When movement I spied

But when I went back
To add colors and such
Felt my happiness crack
I had messed up so much

It was like a big wave
Scrubbed my work with sea foam
I forgot to hit “save"
So you're getting this poem

(The party promised yesterday is coming... eventually... if I don't get sick of it first... and if I remember to save my changes in the right format... ugh!)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Party Invitation

Consider this a teaser for an upcoming animated drawing. It's a request and I'm stylizing it after one of the most epic dance parties I know (and you're all invited!) So here's the poem, stay tuned for the rest...

There once was a party for fish
Who were sliced thin and raw in a dish
With vinegar rice
And wasabi for spice
And a dance beat that made the skirts swish

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Going Stargazing

Tonight the family went stargazing with the local astronomy club. The Milky Way was big and pretty bright and there were about 10 or so telescopes showing different things. We got to see galaxies, clusters, nebulae, the moon (big and orange on the horizon), Saturn and even Neptune. It was a lovely evening.

Click for better seeing

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Upside of Having a Cold

The upside of having a cold
Is how it allows me to feel
And experience things as I heal
Like for now as the virus keeps hold

I learn of the difference ‘tween Puffs
And Kleenex and TP and such
While some have that soft, gentle touch
Paper towels are just eight kinds of rough

Then when I’m at work for the day
And I suffer a bad coughing fit
In the stillness when finished, I get
Things accomplished cause folks stay away

With this pressure of stuff in my head
And my sinuses thoroughly sealed
All my internal chambers revealed
It’s not faith, it’s all data instead

But, oh, when that brief moment comes
And I’m clear for a minute or so
The air’s like a flurry of snow
Blasting pure and raw deep in my lungs

So take cheer if you do get a cold
And you feel like a shriveling lump
Just remember, you will clear that hump

And the world will be shiny like gold

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School Night

Tonight was Back to School Night at my daughters' school. Plus, my youngest was kind enough to share her cold with me, so now I'm just kind of tired and sniffly and I just want to go to bed. So here are some (very poor quality - sorry!) photos of the little note cards I drew to hide in their lockers. They'll find them tomorrow morning, and now I'll get some rest.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

An Epic Voyage

In ’77, when dreaming of space
George Lucas excited the whole human race
But cruising to planets was fiction, I fear
The real thing began late in August that year

On this day the Voyager 2 probe set out
On a grand tour, taking a perilous route
Through the inky black sky that was darker than coal
It took it two years just to reach it’s first goal

But oh, what a view as it quickly sped by
Past Jupiter, staring, with one great red eye
The storms below raging, the moons made of ice
The volcanoes on Io were not very nice

Then back to the black for another two years
Till Saturn in all of it’s glory appears
Those magnificent rings capture everyone’s gaze
While the smoggy moon Titan huddles in its own haze

Five years to Uranus, spinning round on its side
A pretty pale blue like an egg that’s been dyed
Three more years to Neptune, so windy and cold
The fastest winds anywhere, so I’ve been told

And then that small probe kept on going, and how!
It’s been 36 years and it’s still going now
Pushing out through the edge of the heliosphere
Take our dreams to the stars as you yet persevere

Monday, August 19, 2013

Special Delivery

Little Known Fact: Although a good idea in theory, Pongo’s Airborne Cupcake Delivery Service never really panned out. The cupcakes survived the drops just fine, but it turns out that orangutans are not natural pilots.

"I got a bad attitude!"

(Happy Cupcake Day, National Aviation Day and World Orangutan Day!)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bonus Poem!

From my sister! It's in response to my Bad Poetry Day post, but I think it's pretty good...

My poetry is never bad
A fact for which I'm sure you're glad
I'll celebrate this day with style
And hope this poem brings you a smile :)

(Anybody else want their pictures or poems immortalized on the web? Send 'em to me and I'll put 'em up!)

National Bad Poetry Day

Today is National Bad Poetry Day
At least that’s what the list on does say
So I will do my best to write my worst today

I will try to find cliched and tortured rhyme
I’ll do it all the time
And it will be fine

The imagery will be majestic like a mountain
And metaphor will spew out like something coming out of a fountain

And when it comes to the meter
Tripping all over themselves will be the feet, or
Maybe not cause thinking about that stuff gives me a fever

In fact, the best thing to be said for this amazing piece of poetical art
Is that its short

(Can you make up your own bad poetry? Put it in the comments or send it to me using the spiffy new "Contact Me!" area on the right and I'll post them here, unless you tell me not to.)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A New Look

If you haven't figured it out already, I've been playing with the design of this page. The biggest change is the addition of this new title image (which I will also count as my sketch of the day). If you have any feelings or suggestions about the new look, let me know in the comments or by email.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Badgers Dig Archaeology

A badger went digging one night
What he found could cause some folks a fright
At first they thought “crime”
But it turned out in time
As an archaeological site

Eight old Slavic bodies were found
After 900 years in the ground
Two of them were warlords
With their jewelry and swords
It’s a site that is sure to astound

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Today is National Failures Day. As someone who has failed (and succeeded) on many occasions, I encourage everyone to embrace their failures, learn from them and then keep going. I'm also trying out a new animation program called Pencil. I figured today was the perfect day to try something new. If I messed up, oh well! So I did this quick little animation of a guy who never quite reaches his balloon, but he never gives up (probably because I have the animation looping forever...)

(In an extremely appropriate coincidence, the first version of this animation that I posted looked like this, because of an issue with the transparency of the frames.)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Independence Day

Oh, Hip Hip Hooray
Let’s give a big cheer
Today is the very best
Day of the year

A day marked by freedom
A day free of strife
Where my girls can’t consume
Every second of life

A day to sleep in
Time to get some stuff done
Some jobs round the house
And some reading for fun

I do love my daughters
Don’t make that mistake
But they’re back in school
And I’m still on break!

Monday, August 12, 2013


Today Elon Musk, founder of visionary companies SpaceX and Tesla Motors, unveiled his plans for a new high-speed commuter transportation service between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It's called the Hyperloop (click here for more info). For about $20 (one way) you'd get in a 28-person capsule, be propelled through a tube at 760 mph and reach the other end in about 35 minutes! Here's how I feel about taking such a trip...

I want to ride the Hyperloop
I want to ride today
To speed from San Francisco
To the beaches in L.A.

I’ll climb aboard a Hyper-pod
And hear the engines whine
Suspended like a hovercraft
While speeding down the line

Careening through a Hyper-tube
Propelled by solar power
I’ll reach my destination in
About a half an hour

Yes, I want to ride the Hyperloop
The future’s here today
Elon’s got the master plan
Let’s get this underway!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Monkey Ball

Today my nephew requested a monkey, sitting in a tree, bouncing a blue ball. Then my daughter said the ball should have a white star on it. I decided to add the vest and fez to make him look a little more dapper.

Now, quit watching a monkey bounce a ball and go out and watch the Perseid meteor shower!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Flying Hippo

Tonight as we were out driving around, I was giving my oldest daughter a lot of grief about a pink hippo statue she saw by the side of the road. To make up for my behavior, here's a pink flying hippo, just for her.

"I think I got a bug in my mouth!"

Friday, August 9, 2013

Choir Concert

The choir camp has reached it’s end
They’ve closed the doors, turned out the light
Just one thing’s left, we get to spend
An evening of sublime delight

As all the children sing their tunes
We soar on sweet melodic wings
In fact my daughter’s choir croons
Of Super-kooka-expi-things

Or was it Sound-of-alidocious?
All the songs have merged as one
Cali-burra, quite precocious?
Kooka-mountain climbing’s done?

The hills alive with fragi-bliss?
An endless tune... or two... or eight
And if my daughter’s reading this
I’m joking honey, you did great!

(Actually, the Fort Wayne Children's Choir did a fantastic job at their first concert tonight. It's amazing how much the directors were able to accomplish in only a week of camp. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season!)

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Little Known Fact: One of the fiercest and most bitter rivalries in the animal kingdom is between the elusive but deadly Ninja Manatee and the powerful and cunning Samurai Cebu.

Samurai Cebu
Grazing on injustice like
Grasses in the field

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Noodle Poodle

Another day, another request! (Keep 'em coming!) Today's request is for "a doodle of a poodle eating a noodle :)" When asked that politely, and all rhyme-y, too, how can I refuse?


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Garden Plan

There’s a plague in our garden, I fear
We’ve got beetles and slugs there, oh dear!
My wife’s got a plan
And it comes in a can
But she won’t get her hands on my beer!

(Apparently slugs like beer - she wants to use my tasty stuff, but I told her we'd go out and get something cheap and nasty tomorrow. The beans will just have to survive another day.)

Monday, August 5, 2013

What's That Under There?

Today is a day that we all can embrace
Supported in style, surrounded by grace
Perhaps with some satin or maybe some lace
It’s National Underwear Day!

A day for the boxers, a day for the briefs
Whether gaudy or plain, based upon your beliefs
Going all the way back to those little fig leafs
It’s National Underwear Day!

So wear something special beneath all your clothes
But be careful so nothing embarrassing shows
It’s fun being fancy when no one else knows
On National Underwear Day!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Dancing Pie

I love getting requests. Instead of spending time thinking "What should I draw tonight?" I can instead think "How am I going to do that?", which is a much more entertaining question. Anyway, this is what you get when you request a dancing pie...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Temple of the Golden Potato

By request, a golden potato on a stand, like in the first Indiana Jones movie...

Click to super-spud-size

Friday, August 2, 2013

Ice Cream Sandwich

Happy National Ice Cream Sandwich Day! If you missed it today, you'll just have to have 2 tomorrow to make up for it, right? Anyway, here's a short poem. I was going to draw a picture to go with it, but instead I think I'll get working on a request involving a potato...

Every day young Bobby Bray
Would eat an ice cream sandwich
Vanilla in the middle
And the chocolate layers so rich
He’d eat them high up in a tree
Or deep inside an old ditch
He ate them ‘til the day he died
And never once did he switch

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Old and New

It's a mix of old and new. Here's my version of a 20,000-year-old cave painting done on one of the most modern digital tablets. It was fun. Maybe I'll do more.

Field Museum Photos

Bonus post! A few 3D wiggle pair photos from our trip to the Field Museum!

Sue, the T Rex

"This is what happens when I don't get my grapes!"

Behold, the platypus!
Oh, deer!

65 million years of attitude

My pal, the pangolin