Sunday, August 18, 2013

National Bad Poetry Day

Today is National Bad Poetry Day
At least that’s what the list on does say
So I will do my best to write my worst today

I will try to find cliched and tortured rhyme
I’ll do it all the time
And it will be fine

The imagery will be majestic like a mountain
And metaphor will spew out like something coming out of a fountain

And when it comes to the meter
Tripping all over themselves will be the feet, or
Maybe not cause thinking about that stuff gives me a fever

In fact, the best thing to be said for this amazing piece of poetical art
Is that its short

(Can you make up your own bad poetry? Put it in the comments or send it to me using the spiffy new "Contact Me!" area on the right and I'll post them here, unless you tell me not to.)

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