Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Good Judge

Today I got the letter I've been waiting for! Last October, due to the government shutdown, I was out of work for 3 weeks. I applied for and received a little unemployment assistance, but then a few months later I was told I had to pay it all back! So, after a long and irritating appeal process, today the judge's official decision arrived and I get to keep the money! Hooray! Here's a little doodle illustrating my feelings towards the judge right now (you probably don't want to see what I would have drawn if it had gone the other way!)


  1. I'm sure the judge would appreciate this to no end :)

    1. Well, he was very "no nonsense" bordering on crabby during the phone hearing, but I like to think that when the robes come off he goes down to the local park to entertain children as a one-man band, or perhaps he just spends the evening snuggling with the 17 puppies he rescued from the shelter.
