Friday, May 16, 2014

The Wink

I had a lady wink at me
After work today
And then she winked at me again
I don’t know what to say

I mean, I’m not sure what to do
When things like this occur
Because this lady is our state’s
Lieutenant Governor!

And granted, she was probably
Just trying to be fun
Because she came to work to see
All of the stuff we’ve done

But still I can’t help wondering
If I’m somehow to blame
I know I’m irresistible
And boy, have I got game!

And never mind I saw her wink
At other people, too
I’m sure she’s just obscuring this
Political taboo

It’s just too bad for her that I
Am married happily
Because despite her flirty ways
She’s never getting me!

1 comment:

  1. I've always assumed you were irresistible but I'm your mother. Maybe she just had a nervous tic.
