Friday, June 7, 2013

Two Year Old Science

On this sunny afternoon we paid the hospital a call
We brought science to the children and we hoped to please them all
With an audience of one today I wondered what to do
How can I explain Bernoulli to a kid who’s only two?

Well, we tried to do our standard stuff, like Properties of Air
We created Instant Snow, although he didn’t really care
And the water with the oil he enjoyed ‘cause it was blue
But I can’t explain Bernoulli to a kid who’s only two!

We had so much stuff to show him, we had beakers full of foam
We had color changing chemicals that you can make at home
But he just stood up and wandered off and at that point I knew
There’s no way to teach Bernoulli to a kid who’s only two.

But we finished up because we knew that we were being seen
By some kids still in their room up on their television screen
But when we went to visit them, my darkest fears came true
There was just a pair of girls, and they were also both aged two!

So they didn’t learn Bernoulli, in the end they’re only two

But at least I made them smile, ‘cause that’s something I can do!

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