Saturday, June 22, 2013


In honor of the Supermoon this weekend, I put together these lyrics to a song that I'm sure hasn't ever been written before. Any resemblance to this one is purely coincidental, I'm sure!

Supermoon, Supermoon
Makes celestial people swoon
Overhead, in the skies
Larger than normal size
Look out! Here comes the Supermoon!

Is it close? Heaven knows
It’s in perigee as it goes
In it’s phase it is full. 
You know you feel it’s pull
Hey there! There goes the Supermoon!

In the chill of night
Twelve o'clock, that’s the time
Bathes the world in light
It shines down, so sublime!

Supermoon, Supermoon,
Glowing magically Supermoon
Shining bright, white and gray
See the flag? There’s no way!
To her, she can’t tell why the big fuss
Twelve percent seems to thrill us

We call her Supermoon!

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