Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Almost Bedtime

It’s just about nine
I’ve got plenty of time
Though tomorrow I need to get going at dawn

Surf a couple sites more
Cause it’s hardly a chore
Now the clock’s striking ten and where has the time gone?

Just one thing to do
Send an email or two
Is it really eleven? It can’t be that late!

I’ll do one final scrawl
Of a post on my wall
But why would it post with tomorrow’s new date?

Oh wait! I forgot
All the dishes I’ve got
Thank goodness I finished, it’s now nearly one

Just a quick snack then bed
Fill my gut and my head
Grab a book and Doritos - an hour more done

Then I turn off the light
Brush my teeth for the night
Take a seat on the pot, play sudoku till three

Now I finally lie down
But my thoughts swirl around
At least in the morning there’s coffee or tea

As I drift off, I find
One last thought fills my mind
Tomorrow I’ve got to be getting more sleep

But I won’t, that’s my plight
I wake up with the night

It’s the curse of the night owl - it just makes me weep!

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