Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ode to a Narwhal

Tonight, an ode to that most magnificent of creatures, the narwhal! (Note: due to the late hour of this post, I have not had time to thoroughly research everything in it, so there might be one or two minor factual inaccuracies.)

Oh narwhal, with your tusk so tusky
And your skin so dark and dusky

Won’t you please come share the tale
Of all the things you might impale

In all the places you have been
And all the sights you must have seen

I’m sure your stories are so grand
In the sea or on the land

Or flying high up in the air
You are so graceful, you don’t care

What others think or do or say
You’ll simply poke them anyway

Perhaps you’ve fenced a pirate chief
With matted beard and missing teeth

Or maybe a whole ninja clan
You’re mightier than beast or man

Or could it be that horn of yours
Is used for peace instead of wars

Perhaps you play it for a ball
Or solo in Prince Albert Hall

And people say, “There goes a gent
Who truly knows his instrument!”

So carry on, you noble creature
Display with pride your grandest feature

And greet the world with stately grace
With that big thing stuck in your face


  1. Sounds 100% accurate to me but I'd like a picture to be sure :)

  2. I agree, a picture seems absolutely essential here.
